Professional Wingman Services Help You Get a Date

Remember Will Smith as Hitch, the guy who helps men woo women, for a living? Well, you can actually hire a similar service in real life. What’s even better is that your coach goes out with you, giving you practical advice and tips on dating.

“The Professional Wingman” is one such service run by Thomas Edwards. For $125  a night, you can get Edwards to go with you to social gatherings, posing as a friend of yours. He’ll then coach you through the evening, pointing out the flirtatious women, and also women who might be more compatible with your personality. In a prior meeting, you would establish with him exactly what kind of women you’re interested in, and also what stops you from approaching them with ease.

Photo via The Professional Wingman

Services such as these are actually not new. They’ve been around for at least 8 years, and are available for women as well. So ladies can hire ‘wingwomen’ to go out with them, getting all the help they need to find the man of their dreams. These services are known to have started in cities like New York and Boston, and promote the old fashioned way of meeting people, as opposed to online dating. “Hire a Boston Wingwoman” is a service run by Susan Baxter, launched specifically when she realized that her friends were tired of dating online. Meeting a person online involves several risks, one of which is that people look nothing like the photographs they put up. 32-year-old Baxter says that in her company, clients can see prospective partners right away, and she helps them figure out if there is chemistry. Instead of untrained male buddies that say stupid things like “my friend thinks you’re hot”, you can take a wingwoman, who like the company motto claims, is better at hitting on women than you are. She charges $130 a night for her service.


In a world dominated by the internet, people are fast losing their social skills, which makes the wingman/woman service quite relevant to our times. How about this – a man hires a professional wingwoman to help him find a date, and they end up falling for each other! Just the stuff that chick flicks are made of.

via The Wall Street Journal