People Are Buying “Radioactive” Jewelry to Protect Themselves From 5G

The Netherlands Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS) recently banned the sale of various so-called “anti-radiation” and “anti 5G” wearables that turned out to contain radioactive materials.

From pendants like the Quantum anti-5G to bracelets and even sleep masks, the internet is full of accessories that can allegedly protect wearers from 5G technology. While we currently have no scientific evidence that 5G is harmful to human health, or even that this sort of accessory can shield wearers from 5G signal, there are plenty of people willing to spend their money on them, just to be safe. After all, what’s the worse that can happen? You just end up with a useless product like those anti-5G USB sticks we featured a while back, right? Well, no. Apparently, by wearing this kind of jewelry, you can actually expose your body to demonstrably-harmful levels of radiation.

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Schematic for ‘5G Chip’ Allegedly Implanted in Covid-19 Vaccines Is Actually for Guitar Pedal

Conspiracy theory proponents in Italy have been sharing an electronic schematic of a ‘5G chip’ allegedly implanted in Covid-9 vaccines, but evidence has shown that it’s actually the schematic of a guitar pedal.

A wise person once said “don’t believe everything you read on the internet”, and that’s never been more true than it is today. With the advent of social media, wild conspiracy theories, half-truths and fake news have been getting more attention than ever before. Take this ‘5G chip in Covid-19 vaccines’ phobia that has taken on a life of its own online, despite any sort of scientific evidence backing it up. Well, at least no real evidence, because there is plenty of fake proof going around, including a rather complex schematic of a so-called 5G chip allegedly implanted in Covid-19 vaccines. Only that schematic is actually of a badass guitar pedal…

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The Conspiracy Theorists Who Believe Nazis, Vikings and the Lost Tribes of Israel All Live Inside Our Hollow Earth

“Flat-earthers”, people who believe that the Earth is flat, have been catching a lot of flack for their ridiculous claims, but their’s is not the craziest theory regarding our planet’s shape and structure. Some people actually believe the Earth is hollow and that a race of superior humans live inside it.

The hollow Earth theory was first proposed in the 17th century by some of the leading scientists of the time. Unlike their predecessors, however, the modern hollow Earth theorists also believe that a race of superior humans, Vikings, and Nazis live in paradise at the center. These residents of the core frequently send UFOs, via holes in the North and South poles, to spy on us surface dwellers in an attempt to prevent a nuclear war.

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