Man Proposes to Girlfriend after Losing Cage Fight, Gets Rejected in Front of 20,000 People

Amateur MMA fighter Lukasz Bukovac recently went 0-2 in one night despite having fought just one opponent after getting his marriage proposal brutally rejected by his girlfriend in front of 20,000 people.

They say you should never kick someone while they’re down, but some would say Lukasz Bukovac brought it upon himself when he decided to propose to his girlfriend inside the octagon, after losing an MMA fight. Even if he had won, there was no guarantee the girl would say yes, but getting rejected in front of 20,000 spectators is so much more painful after a loss. Unfortunately, Bukovac had to just stand there on one knee and hear his visibly embarrassed girlfriend shoot down his marriage proposal for alleged infidelity, in front of tens of thousands of people. To make it worse, the whole thing was filmed and the video is now going viral around the world.

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‘Milipede River’ Spotted in Taiwan Will Make Your Skin Crawl

A slow-moving river of millipedes crawling on the ground in unison was recently spotted in a mountainous area of Taiwan and the video of it is enough to make your skin crawl.

On April 27th, tourists visiting Hsüeh-Pa National Park in central Taiwan witnessed an unusual phenomenon that local guides have never seen before. While accompanying a group of seven tourists through an area west of Dalu Forest Road, Yang Xiaozhong, a tour guide with an experience of 11 years, noticed that the path he knew seemed to be covered with fallen leaves. At first, he thought the brown leaves must have been brought to the ground by heavy rains but then he realized that the foliage was actually moving. On closer inspection, the leaves turned out to be millipedes, thousands of them moving in the same direction, like a living river.

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Chinese Software Engineer Demonstrates the Power of AI-Powered Deepfake Technology

A video doing the rounds on Chinese social media these days has gone viral for showing how easy it is to use AI-powered deepfake technology to transform into virtually anyone online.

App filters and deepfake technology have been around for years now, but the advent of artificial intelligence has elevated them to a whole new level, one which makes it almost impossible to tell what is real on the internet. Take this recent video shared by a Chinese engineer where he demonstrates how easy it is for him to pass as an attractive young girl. All he has to do is put on a wig, enable a piece of software and the AI takes care of the rest. It is able to replace the man’s face with that of an attractive girl but otherwise mimics all of his actions, including eating with chopsticks, pinching his own face, and speaking with the appropriate mouth movement.

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Snow-Covered Yogi Meditating in the Himalayas Sparks Online Debate

A video of a lightly-clothed yogi meditating in the middle of a snowstorm in the Himalayas has gone viral online sparking a heated debate about its authenticity.

We live in a time when the old saying “seeing is believing” just doesn’t apply anymore. The advent of artificial intelligence and deepfake technology has made it possible to create virtually anything and make it look authentic. Realistic-looking AI news anchors and digital influencers are a part of this new reality, so you can’t blame people for doubting their eyes. Case in point, a viral video out of India showing a yogi with his hair and beard caked with snow meditating high up in the mountains during a snowstorm. He looks so comfortable in one of the harshest environments on Earth that many people rightly believed it was staged or the result of AI digital manipulation.

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Chinese Bed-Making Competitions Are Surprisingkly Mesmerizing to Watch

China’s hospitality sector routinely holds bed-making competitions that both showcase the skill and dedication of hotel employees and motivate others to achieve the same level.

In order to provide guests with the best hospitality services, Chinese luxury hotels require their staff to undergo intensive bed-making training, and the very best of them get to participate in bed-making competitions hosted by the hotel chain, or held at a regional or national level. And these contests are no joke! Participants need to be masters of their trade to stand a chance of convincing the jury that they deserve to win. Apart from speed – the first contestant to finish gets bonus points – competitors have to abide by certain rules and make sure that they pay great attention to detail.

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Uncanny Valley Makeup – The Creepiest Trend on TikTok

Makeup artists on TikTok are busy freaking out their followers with a new style of makeup called “uncanny valley” and inspired by the human-like yet unnatural appearance of androids.

The term uncanny valley is used to describe the hypothesized uncomfortable feeling triggered by seeing an entity appearing almost human but not quite so. It is used mainly in relation to humanoid androids that try to mimic our look and mannerisms to perfection but don’t quite succeed. These days, the phrase is going viral on TikTok thanks to a new makeup trend used to transform fleshy humans into creepy cyborgs. The trend is believed to have been sparked by Zara (@alkiiwii), a TikTok user who transformed herself with layers of foundation, concealer, eyeliner, and mascara. Her viral video tagged with #uncannyvalleymakeup has been viewed and shared tens of millions of times, inspiring other makeup enthusiasts to post their own takes on the trend.

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Content Creator Willingly Eats tapeworm-Infested Fish for Views

23-year-old Nichola Kratka, a self-described ‘extreme eater’, deliberately ate a fish infested with tapeworms and filmed himself doing it in the hopes of going viral on TikTok.

It’s shocking what some people will do for a bit of online attention these days. Take this young Florida content creator who, after catching a tapeworm-infested bass while fishing on a lake. Instead of throwing away the fish after discovering the parasites, he decided to eat it, knowing full well that he could become infected. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long until he started experiencing side effects like stomach aches, diarrhea, nausea, siziness, and weakness. In the end, he had to seek medical help and start taking deworming medication. Still, Kratka said he had “no regrets”…

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Pastor Allegedly Goes into Lions’ Cage to Demonstrate Divine Protection

In a viral video that has been doing the rounds online, an African pastor can be seen entering the lion’s cage at a zoo and teasing the felines to show that nothing can happen to a man of God.

Originally posted on Instagram by @mufasatundeednut, the bizarre video shows a man wearing a blue suit playing with three young lions under the watchful eyes of several people outside the cage. The man is referred to as ‘Pastor Daniel’, and if the original poster of the clip is to be believed, the daring stunt was designed to convince his followers that he was under the protection of God, and that nothing could happen to him, even when surrounded by a bunch of lions. The bold pastor can be seen slapping the young lions and even letting one of them playfully chew on his hand.

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Tattoo Artist Sparks Controversy with Amateurish-Looking $700 Tattoo

A German tattoo artist has been criticized for charging a client hundreds of dollars for a back tattoo that many have compared to a childish doodle.

Mykhailo, a 21-year old tattoo artist from Berlin, Germany, recently posted a TikTok video of one of his latest projects, an abstract, scribble-like design that his client allegedly paid 900 euros ($960) for. The short clip quickly went viral, with nearly 2 million views at the time of this writing and hundreds of comments about the quality of the artwork. The tattoo consists of two shapes resembling hurriedly doodled flowers stemming out of a scribbled section surrounded by dozens of seemingly disconnected lines. While some people described the tattoo as a piece of art, others said that they wouldn’t have it inked on their bodies even if someone paid them $10,000.

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Parents Gift 5-Year-Old Daughter a Luxury SUV to Motivate Her to Go to School

Malaysian social media has been abuzz with the story of a young well-off couple who recently bought a Mercedes SUV as a present for their 5-year-old daughter to motivate her to go to school.

Earlier this month, Malaysian businesswoman Farhana Zahra posted a TikTok video asking her daughter, Fatima, what she wanted as a birthday present, to which the young girl answered that she wanted either a green Mercedes G Wagon or a BMW. In the same video, Farhana makes the girl promise that she will go to school if she gets what she wants and then they seal the deal with a pinky shake. Apparently, Farhana and her husband had been having problems convincing Fatima to go to school, because she hadn’t turned five yet, and they used this opportunity to persuade her. Just like our parents used to do back in the day…

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Man Wins 365 Days of Paid Leave in Exceptional Company Raffle

A Chinese man has attracted the envy of his entire country after reportedly winning 365 days of paid leave in a generous raffle organized by his company.

In a viral video that has been circulating on Chinese social media for about a week, a young man can be seen sitting on a chair in what looks like a banquet hall and holding a large sign that reads “365 days of paid leave”. It wasn’t long before the footage drew the attention of mainstream news outlets who managed to identify the location shown in the video and thus the event that took place there. It turns out that this was recorded during the annual meeting held by a company in Shenzen whose management wanted to ease the tension of its employees by offering fun and enticing prizes in a raffle.

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This 3-Year-Old Kid Is Already an Amazing Supercar Driver

At just three years of age, Zayn Sofuoğlu can barely reach the pedals of a car, and he can’t even see past the steering wheel, yet he somehow drives better than most people.

The youngest son of Turkish motorcycle racer Kenan Sofuoğlu, Zayn spent most of his young life around powerful motorcycles and supercars and he probably has more experience with them than most adults. Zayn wasn’t even two years old when his father, who holds a record of five Supersport World Champion titles, started posting videos of him riding a motorcycle in the driveway of their family home. Since then, the prodigy has been honing his motorist skills, and he is now able to expertly maneuver and park various supercars even though he can’t even see through the windshield…

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The World’s Most Famous Musical Calculator Player

Chaco Chaco is a popular South Korean Youtuber whose claim to fame is the ability to reproduce popular songs on one or multiple musical calculators.

Calculators are handy when dealing with math, but one particular calculator is actually more popular as a musical instrument. The Egoelife AR-7778 and AR-8001 are designed as instruments and even come with instructions on how to use them as such. But, just like with any other musical instrument, you need talent and practice to produce music worth listening to, otherwise, you’re just using it as a cool toy. That’s what sets Chaco Chaco, a musical calculator artist with over 800,000 subscribers on YouTube alone, apart from pretty much any other musical calculator user.

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Man Buys 20 Brand New Robot Vacuums For Just $80, Gets What He Paid For

A Chinese man who recently bought 20 robot vacuums online for an unbelievable bargain price documented his experience to the delight of the internet.

The average price of a decent robot vacuum in China is around 1,000 yuan ($145), with more advanced models costing several times that much. So imagine finding a robot vacuum for just 27 yuan ($4) online! Can you blame this guy who bought 20 of them at once, just to make sure that their number compensates for performance only to learn the hard way that that’s not how these things work? As you can imagine, there was a reason those things cost next to nothing, but at least he got a good laugh and a lot of online attention out of it.

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Body Floating in Water Canal Turns Out to Be Meditating Old Man

A number of people in Bangkok, Thailand were shocked to find that an old man they saw floating in a dirty water canal turned out not to be a corpse, but a meditating person.

Imagine walking by an urban water canal and spotting a stiff body floating in the dirty, garbage-filled water. You most likely expect the worst, so no one can really blame the people who witnessed this scene at the end of last month for calling the police. But before authorities could get there, some of the people on the banks of the canal tried shouting at the floating body to make sure it was truly dead. One brave young man even went down into the dirty water, navigating through the garbage and the mud on the bottom, and when he touched the body, it sprung to life…

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