World’s ex-ugliest dog

Remember SAM, the ugliest dog ever, if you ask me.

So he died like 3 years ago, so what something like that doesn’t really die that easily you know, this kind of creature is hard to forget. SAM held the title of World’s Ugliest Dog for 3 straight years (2003, 2004, 2005) and he was striped of it by his own mortality, dying due to heart complications, at the age of 15…My guess is he looked in the mirror by mistake, but that’s less important.

SAM was a purebred Chinese Crested Hairless, but don’t imagine all of this race looks like that, oh no, he was just special. Taken in by Susie Lockheed back in 1999, SAM became an internet star, sporting his very own page on Wikipedia and some screen appearances.

To me, SAM will forever be the ultimate ugliest mutt, I don’t have a picture of him in my room or anything like that…

The Giants of the North

Or Gigantes do Norte, in their native Portuguese tongue are a very…special soccer team

What makes them so special is the fact that they are all vertically challenged people, playing against under-13 soccer teams in their native Brazilian town of Belem. What’s even more amazing is that they are attracting huge crowds at their matches, because they’re apparently quite the entertainers.

They’re not just a freak-show doing this to earn money, as some people might think, they are coached by professional coach Carlos Luchena and they were put together “in an effort to raise the profile of dwarves in Brazilian society and challenge ‘sizeist’ attitudes.

That’s commendable!

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Japanese Rock’n-Rollers

Here’s what watching movies like Grease too many times can do to a man.

I haven’t been able to dig up too much on these silly looking guys, I just know they are some kind of entertainers in Yoyogi Park, Harajuku in Japan. Please, if you know more, don’t hesitate to let everybody know through a comment. I don’t what else to say but: LONG LIVE ROCK’N-ROLL!


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This haircut is smoking!

And no, that’s not slang for cool.

I’ve heard about this technique a few years ago, back then it was the hottest thing in hairstyle, all the stars were lining up to try these new technique. I see that now it’s not as exclusive as it once was (those guys don’t look like stars to me), but it looks just as weird. I hear that one of the advantages of getting your hair cut this way is that it doesn’t grow as fast. I wonder if your hair stinks of smoke afterwards…

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Sindi, the juggling dog

I’ve seen dogs pull off amazing tricks but one that can actually balance tea cups on its paws is definitely something new. Sindi is an 8 year old Cocker Spaniel from England that could easily be working in a bar or caffe, she could carry the coffees on its paws and the spoons in her mouth.

The merry butchers

These guys give the expression “playing with your food” a whole other meaning and I don’t mean that in a good way. I have nothing against them killing that pig in the comfort of their own home, it’s a popular custom especially in Eastern-European countries, but what they’re doing in these photos is way out of line. People should respect their food, not use as a sick source of amusement…that;s what I think anyway.

3,2,1 launch piglet!

This is apparently how they used to test new inventions in the Soviet Union during the 50s and 60s (at least that’s when these photos are taken). In this experiment they got that little pig drunk by forcing it to drink wine (Kagor, maybe you heard of it) and launching it into the air using some kind of giant mortar cannon. Some of you might find it funny, but I just think it’s cruel.

I guess animal cruelty and animal testing are old issues that aren’t going away anytime soon…

Is that pink think a piggy?

Mother nature sure loves to play tricks on us, doesn’t she? I mean it’s not every day you see a dog breastfeeding a piglet, but today is definitely one of those days. Look at the dog protecting it and feeding it like one of her own, I guess motherhood doesn’t always care about raise.

Strangest things to put on your fingers

Well I can probably think of a few stranger things to put on my fingers but a fly shaped ring is definitely up there with the strangest and ickiest! They’re probably great prank material but still, you wouldn’t catch me dead wearing one of these things!

This is how a real man shaves!

This is for all the girls out there complaining about how they go through tortures like shaving their arms and legs just to look good for the men they love…Can you honestly say waxing your limbs is more painful then waxing your face? I think not…

This painful experiment was carried out by a young Russian from Celiabinsk, who wanted to prove to girls that what they’re doing isn’t nearly as painful as they think it is. Did he succeed? You tell me…

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Campaign Against Train Roof Riders

Officials have decided! According to a report, Indonesian commuters riding on the roofs of trains will be sprayed with colored liquid so that security officers can identify and arrest them.

Rush hours are the most stressful. Electric trains that link Indonesian capital to the towns nearby are full of passengers during rush hours, with many sitting on the roofs due to a lack of space inside or to avoid paying.

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Proper Use of Toilet

Sometimes, in a moment of pressure, we all have difficulties in remembering things that are imprinted in our memory. It’s for forgetful people! There will be none of the following done in the toilet: