Meet Kosovo’s Controversial Hitler Impersonator

A Kosovan Hitler lookalike is making news for claiming to be the reincarnation of the infamous German dictator. Emin Djinovci regularly stuns locals by walking around the town of Mitrovica, in the partially recognised state of Kosovo, with a toothbrush moustache and jet black hair brushed over to one side.

Mitrovica is a city of simmering ethnic tensions and political instability. Emin moved there from Germany in 1998, to join the fight of the Kosovan Albanians for secession from Serbia. But it wasn’t until he returned to Germany for a surgery to treat multiple war wounds, that he realized he could make a living by dressing himself up as Hitler.

“It was when I was there for my operation that I was forced to grow out part of my mustache. The doctors would come into my room and just look at me,” he recalled. So he realized the potential for profit, and when he got back to Kosovo, he started to impersonating Hitler and charging for photographs. Read More »

Water Color Paintings by Hitler

Did Adolf Hitler miss his true calling? Should he have dedicated his life to painting instead of wreaking havoc across Europe? You be the judge.

These are only a few of the Fuhrer‘s “masterpieces”, another set was auctioned at the end of April and managed to raise close to $150,000. Experts say the paintings appear to be genuine, but they’re not quite impressed with Hitler’s work. In fact, the gennocidal dictator had a largely unsuccessful career as a painter, in his early days. Who knows, maybe it was frustration that lead him to ending millions of innocent lives.

Fan of Adolf Hitler, are you? Well you’ll probably never afford one of his paintings, but you can at least buy yourself the Hitler action-figure, if you can find it.

via Forum







