Canadian Naturopath Claims She Cured Aggressive Child with Remedy Made from Rabid Dog Saliva

A naturopath in Victoria, British Columbia, is facing massive criticism online, after boasting that she treated a four-year-old boy’s aggression and behavioral problems with a remedy made from rabid dog saliva.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann recently wrote about this “interesting” case on her website. Apparently, when she first 4-year-old Jonah, he had trouble sleeping, partly because he was afraid of werewolves, and would “hide under tables and growl at people” at school. After talking to his parents, Zimmermann also learned that he liked meat, particularly hamburgers, hot dogs and meatballs, and didn’t like to be cuddled, but instead would someone sniff, nuzzle and lick his mother, like a dog. Armed with this information, the naturopath asked Jonah’s mother a critical question:

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