Chef Bakes Crystal Clear Jello-Like Pumpkin Pie That Tastes Like the Real Thing

People have been losing their minds over the pumpkin pie created by Simon Davies, the chef at Chicago’s Alinea restaurant, and for good reason. It looks like jell-o on a pie crust, but he insists that it’s an actual pumpkin pie, just not the kind we’re all used to.

Davies posted the first photo of his bizarre crystal-clear pumpkin pie in late September, and people have been talking about it ever since. The general reaction can be described as a mix of surprise, confusion and anger, as people try to wrap their hands around this pumpkin pie that sort of looks like the traditional Thanksgiving dessert, but is totally different, at the same time. Most of them just can’t accept that it’s not simple jell-o on a buttery pie crust, but a condensed distillation of actual pumpkin pie filling that tastes like the real thing.

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