The Amazing UV Tattoos of Jonny Hall

UK-born artist Jonny Hall is famous for being one of the first tattoo artists to introduce UV-reactive ink to the style of black-and-grey realism.

UVealism, a term coined by Hall himself, basically refers to the enhancement of already-impressive black-and-grey realist tattoos with the ethereal glow of UV-reactive ink. In plain light, UV tattoos are semi-invisible, but put them under an ultraviolet black-light bulb and you get to see a whole new dimension of the design. UV-reactive ink is a bit more difficult to work with than normal tattoo ink, because it’s a lot thinner, but when used correctly, the results are awe-inspiring.

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Invisible UV Tattoos – The Perfect Way to Hide or Highlight Your Tattoos

Whether you’re looking to stand out from the crowd at rave parties, or just keep your love for tattoos a secret from the world at large, UV tattoos are definitely something to consider.

Although they’ve been around for many years now, UV tattoos, also known as black light tattoos, have been growing in popularity, both among club goers craving attention, and tattoo lovers wanting to make their traditional ink stand out in certain conditions. And then there is the third category, the people who want to keep their ink virtually invisible in their day to day life, only to showcase it in all its glory under ultraviolet light. Whatever the case, there are a few interesting things you should know about this intriguing tattoos.

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