Disturbing art

I don’t know about you but I get the heebee geebees just looking at this little girl. I don’t know what the author had in mind but a little girl in a bathtub full of blood isn’t my idea of artistic vision. Anyway some of you might enjoy them and, as they say, you never discuss taste! So here are some of the most disturbing images I’ve seen lately:


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Athens covered by snow

The cold wave that hit Greece these last few days really produced some incredible photos of places that use to bathe in the sunlight all year long. I never imagined I’d think of Greece and think snow dunes, icy streets and -15 degrees Celsius temperatures…no matter what anyone says, I blame this on global warming, it’s just not normal!

The flying fuselage tube

The Stipa-Caproni prototype aircraft was basically a venturi tube fitted with 120hp de Havilland Gypsy III engine and a propeller at the front end of the tube. It was built by Caproni in 1932 but it never went into mass production because…well, it didn’t really fly; the original test report says the strange plane only flew for a distance of 500m at a height of 5/6 meters. A unique replica of the odd looking flying machine is owned by Lynette Zuccoli, from Brisbane, Australia.

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The horned lady

The story behind these photos is, this lady came into the doctor’s office one day with that “beauty” coming out of her forehead and saying she had a bump on her head 20 years earlier, that later burst(!?!) and dried up, eventually turning into a horn. When it was removed, the horn had a length of 17 centimeters. Pretty strange…

Yellow Brick Road

The city of Schiedam was and remains to this day, the poorest city in the Netherlands and the Yellow Brick Road, that connects the center of the city to the new train station, is not only meant to make the city more beautiful, but also to symbolize the road to prosperity and success. Yellow Brick Road also has a shine that resembles that of gold.

Strangest things to put on your fingers

Well I can probably think of a few stranger things to put on my fingers but a fly shaped ring is definitely up there with the strangest and ickiest! They’re probably great prank material but still, you wouldn’t catch me dead wearing one of these things!

The Tough Guy race

Tough Guy is a traditional English challenge, in which the participants have to use every ounce of their energy just to get to the finish line. to give you an idea of how tough this event is, the promoters say that the US S.E.A.L.S. “GrinderAssault Course is the only thing that barely comes close in terms of difficulty.

Photo: A-punkt/Wikimedia Commons


Modern day Snow White

Sure she does not have ebony-black hair and she doesn’t have 7 dwarfs pampering her, but hey this is real life. The young lady in the photos is Nicola Roberts, member of the popular British pop group, Girls Aloud. Here she is with fellow band member Kimberley Walsh during their vacation in L.A. Somebody needs a tan!

Night sky of the underground

If you’re ever in New Zealand, don’t miss out the chance to visit Waitomo cave, the only place on Earth where the stars shine underground. Well ok, they’re not really stars, but thousands of glow-worms radiating their unmistakable luminescent light.

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Rare, albino moose sighting

Albino moose are very rare but they do exist, scientists say that 1 in 100.000 moose inherit this genetic trait. This moose has been spotted last week near the town of Whitefish, Montana, searching for food, with two other normal moose:

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Or is it Zeraffe…? The answer is neither, this animal is called an Okapi and it was first discovered in 1901. Although scientists say it is closely related to the giraffe, it looks like the result of a love story between a giraffe and a zebra. The Okapi can only be found in the Ituri forests, north-east of Congo, in Africa.

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Balloon-Made Costumes

Just to show you that imagination is enough to accomplish great things, we bring you these photos of lovely costumes made from inflated balloons. Even if they can’t make you float, I’m sure they make you feel a lot lighter, I know I’d like to have one.

Fattest Baby in the World?

Look at these pictures and tell me if this looks like a normal 6 month old baby…He’s from Iran, and at the tender age of six months he already weighs over 20 kilograms. He weighed a normal 3 kilograms at birth, but the mother says since then he started gaining very fast, because he was asking for food every hour. They look happy in the pictures, but they should do something about the child’s eating disorder until it’s too late…

Arowana – The Mouth Brooder

Arowana is a tropical fish, living in the quiet waters of lakes and rivers. It varies from 60 to 120cm in length, and still manages to leap up to 3 meters above the water. The most fascinating thing about the Arowana is that it is a mouth brooder, it is capable of carrying hundreds of eggs in its mouth and, even after they hatch, the little fish live in the mother’s mouth for a considerable time before they venture out on their own.

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Ashes, the Hairless Monkey

Ashes is a 13 year old chimpanzee that has literally no hair on its body. When he was born, Ashes had a beautiful fur, but by the time he turned one, he was completely bald. Looking at his arms I can understand why a chimp could easily rip a human’s arms off if it wanted to, he’s just a huge pile of muscles.

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