Doctor Chip – Russian Doctor Has Several Chips Implanted in His Hand to Make Daily Tasks Easier

Alexander Volchek, an obstetrician-gynecologist from Novosibirsk, Russia, has been dubbed “Doctor Chip” by Russian media, after he had several tiny chips implanted under his skin to help him perform daily tasks seamlessly.

Volchek recently made news headlines in Russia after announcing that he recently implanted a bank card chip in his arm, which he hopes will help pay for stuff just by swiping his palm instead of an actual credit card. The implant has been attempted several times before in Russia, but failed every time, so he hopes to become the first happy recipient of a contactless transmission chip in the country’s history. But this is only the latest addition to Doctor Chip’s growing collection of subdermal implants, some of which he had done as far back as 2014.

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