Straight, Married Man Wears Lolita-Style Women’s Clothes to Work Every Day

A 36-year-old former computer programmer and cosplay enthusiast has been getting a lot of attention on Chinese social media for his decision to wear flamboyant Lolita-style dresses and makeup to work every day.

The man, who goes by the name of D-Jiang, has always been fascinated by Lolita and Gothic Lolita fashion, even wearing some female attires at various cosplay events, but for the past two years, he has been wearing his cosplay garments on a daily basis and spending hours every morning putting on his flashy makeup before going to work. His wife, who shares his love for Lolita fashion, not only approves of his unusual dressing style but regularly helps him put on his makeup. D-Jiang said that he doesn’t really care what others think of his unique dressing style, because what’s important is that he likes it.

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