7-Year-Old Fashion Designer Claims to Be Gucci Reincarnated

7-year-old Max Alexander has been creating dresses since he was 4 and he insists that he was iconic Italian designer Guccio Gucci in a past life.

Most 7-year-old boys probably don’t even know who or what Gucci is, but Max Alexander, a fashion design prodigy from the US, not only knows all about the famous Italian designer, he claims to have been him in a past life. The boy’s mother, Madison, said that he revealed his passion for women’s fashion one evening in 2021, while they were all at the dinner table. He requested a mannequin to display his creations on, and after Madison made him one out of cardboard he started working his magic displaying incredible talent. At an age when other kids are just learning how to read and write, Max is a seasoned fashion designer with clients like Sharon Stone on his resume.

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