7-Year-Old Fashion Designer Claims to Be Gucci Reincarnated

7-year-old Max Alexander has been creating dresses since he was 4 and he insists that he was iconic Italian designer Guccio Gucci in a past life.

Most 7-year-old boys probably don’t even know who or what Gucci is, but Max Alexander, a fashion design prodigy from the US, not only knows all about the famous Italian designer, he claims to have been him in a past life. The boy’s mother, Madison, said that he revealed his passion for women’s fashion one evening in 2021, while they were all at the dinner table. He requested a mannequin to display his creations on, and after Madison made him one out of cardboard he started working his magic displaying incredible talent. At an age when other kids are just learning how to read and write, Max is a seasoned fashion designer with clients like Sharon Stone on his resume.

Photo: Kitti Incedi/Unsplash

“I didn’t notice. He told us. We were at dinner during the lockdown, and he just literally announced, ‘I need a mannequin,’ ” Madison Alexander recalled. “He was very serious. No laughing. I was like, ‘Okay, I’ve never seen you interested in fashion. What are you talking about?’ He said, ‘That’s because I don’t have a mannequin. If you get me a mannequin, I’ll show you. I’m a dressmaker.'”

“He just started making dresses, it was the craziest thing,” the mother told People Magazine. “I ran and got my husband. I was like, ‘Come out of your office, you have to see what Max is doing. It’s crazy.’ ”

The craziest thing was that Max had never been exposed to women’s fashion before, he just started making dresses, and he’s been diligently educating himself on sewing, fabrics and the like. His parents believe that fashion is in his genes, because his grandparents were in the fashion business in Montreal, but the boy didn’t know anything about that when he started dressmaking.

Max spent a few weeks watching his mother use the sewing machine before he gave it a go himself, but he’s apparently surpassed her in skill since. At first, his parents thought that his interest in fashion was nothing more than a temporary whim, but he has stuck with it for the past 3 years and, if anything, he is becoming more passionate about it every day.


“That’s really the unusual part that impresses me, is the commitment for such a very young child, and his true passion to want to make people feel beautiful, which he has told us since he was 4,” Max’s mother said.

The 7-year-old designer actually has a pretty good explanation for his impressive skills. Apparently, he told People Magazine that he was Guccio Gucci in another life, and his mother said that he dreams of one day becoming the head of the Gucci fashion house, or at the very least run his own studio. He is definitely off to a good start, with more than a hundred designs under his belt, dresses sold all over the world, and even a jacket commissioned by actress Sharon Stone.

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