Nanny Left with 5-Month-Old Child After Parents Disappear with Her Money

A Chinese nanny has been forced to take care of a toddler for months without any compensation after the child’s parents disappeared without a trace with money they had borrowed from her.

Ms. Yu, the victim in this bizarre case that has been making headlines in China for over a month, claims that she was hired by a couple in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, to take care of their newborn son for a monthly salary of 7,000 yuan (around $1,000). Shortly after striking a deal, the parents told Ms. Yu that they needed to travel to Tianjin to receive a sizeable inheritance, including property and luxury goods, and asked if she could help them out with a loan for lawyers and paperwork. As insurance that they would pay her back, the couple showed her photos of the goods they had allegedly inherited, as well as of the ownership papers for a hotel. Furthermore, they decided to leave their child with the nanny while they sorted everything in Tianjin, so Ms. Yu assumed that there was no reason to worry. She was wrong!

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Police Officer Reportedly Put 3-Year-Old Son in Jail for Pooping His Pants

A Florida police officer has come under fire for reportedly putting his own 3-year-old child in jail and even putting him in handcuffs as punishment for pooping his pants.

In a conversation captured on body camera, Lt. Michael Schoenbrod of the Daytona Beach Police Department can be heard telling a Department of Children and Families caseworker that his son was ‘having difficulty’ with toilet training. To teach the 3-year-old boy a lesson, he put him in jail on successive days back in October of last year and even handcuffed him on the second occasion. Schoenbrod said that after the traumatic experience, the child vowed to ‘never again poop his pants’.

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7-Year-Old Fashion Designer Claims to Be Gucci Reincarnated

7-year-old Max Alexander has been creating dresses since he was 4 and he insists that he was iconic Italian designer Guccio Gucci in a past life.

Most 7-year-old boys probably don’t even know who or what Gucci is, but Max Alexander, a fashion design prodigy from the US, not only knows all about the famous Italian designer, he claims to have been him in a past life. The boy’s mother, Madison, said that he revealed his passion for women’s fashion one evening in 2021, while they were all at the dinner table. He requested a mannequin to display his creations on, and after Madison made him one out of cardboard he started working his magic displaying incredible talent. At an age when other kids are just learning how to read and write, Max is a seasoned fashion designer with clients like Sharon Stone on his resume.

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Pakistani Man Welcomes 60th Child, Wants to Have Even More Kids

A 52-year-old “doctor” in Pakistan recently made news headlines for welcoming his 60th child and claiming he wants to have even more kids with his three wives.

Sardar Jan Mohammad Khan Khilji, a resident of Quetta, the Capital of Balochistan, has a very big family that he hopes to keep growing in the coming years. The Pakistani doctor, who runs his own clinic in the city, has three wives, and just welcomed his 60th child, a son he named Khushal. That’s a lot more than enough for most people, but Sardar said that he wants to take a new wife and continue having children.

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Man Leaves Wife After She Gives Birth to Fifth Pair of Twins

A Ugandan man allegedly packed his bags and left his growing family after his wife recently gave birth to their fifth pair of twins.

While some people would give anything to have one child, let alone two, others have no problem abandoning their offspring. Case in point, a Ugandan man who couldn’t cope with the fact that his wife recently gave birth to their fifth set of twins. Nalongo Gloria never underwent IVF treatments to get pregnant, yet she can’t stop having twins. The Ugandan woman recently brought her ninth and tenth children into this world, which reportedly made her husband, Ssalongo pack up his things and leave, saying that “it wasn’t normal” and that he couldn’t take care of her and their children anymore.

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Parents Are Strapping Corrective Helmets on Babies to make Their Heads Round

In what is being reported as a disturbing new trend, Chinese parents are allegedly resorting to corrective helmets and molds to ensure that their babies have aesthetically pleasing round heads.

The latest craze to hit China involves parents taking advantage of their babies’ soft skulls to make sure that they have round heads, instead of dreaded flat ones. A number of companies have taken advantage of the bizarre head shape preference by offering a variety of head-correcting products, from helmets to special mats and pillows designed to prevent the flattening of babies’ heads. Ironically, flat heads were once considered so lucky that children were forced to sleep with their heads on books, but the shape has fallen out of style…

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The Controversial Agencies Paid by Parents to Retrieve Their Kids from Their Former Spouses

Single parents separated from their former partners are allegedly turning to controversial “recovery agencies” to get their children back from former spouses that take them abroad without permission.

Normally, when parents separate, custody of the children is settled by a judge, along with visitation hours and rules, but sometimes one party doesn’t want to play by the rules, and that’s where agencies specialized in child retrieval come in. Most operators of such controversial services claim they are an essential tools for desperate parents with no other means of retrieving their beloved children from dangerous situations, but some sources claim that that isn’t always the case. Some recovery agencies allegedly don’t put in the time and effort to objectively research cases, and downright kidnap kids for parents, even if they don’t have custody rights.

Louise Screene (pseudonym, to protect her identity), recently told Mail Online the shocking story of how she saw her two children kidnapped from arm’s length by a recovery agent paid by their father. Following her divorce from Andrew (not his real name), Louise agreed to share custody of their two children, even if that meant they had to travel between the UK and the Middle East, where Andrew had moved.

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Children Sprout Hair All Over Their Bodies After Being Given Hair Restorer for Upset Stomachs

Around 20 Spanish children ended up growing hair all over their bodies after being administered hair restoring medicine, instead of syrup for upset stomachs.

In a shocking incident first in the summer of 2019, almost two dozen children reportedly started exhibiting symptoms of hypertrichosis, aka “werewolf syndrome”. They started growing hair excessively all over their bodies, after being administered minoxidil, a drug that stimulates hair growth, instead of omeprazole, usually prescribed for gastric problems. The mix-up allegedly happened after mislabeled syrups were delivered to pharmacies in Granada and Valencia, which chemsist prescribed to treat the upset stomachs of little ones. Over a year since hypertrichosis symptoms were first reported, the families of affected children claim their hair is still growing excessively, but justice has not been served.

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Platonic Co-Parenting – A Romance-Free Way of Having and Raising Children

Platonic or elective co-parenting is a new way of having and raising children which involves two people conceiving (naturally or artificially) and taking joint physical, financial and emotional responsibility for raising them, but without being romantically involved.

Whether it’s because they want to raise a child without being involved in a romantic relationship, or because they feel like their biological clock is ticking and they haven’t yet found Mr. or Mrs. Right, a growing number of people are turning to specialized websites like PollenTree or Modamily to find likeminded people to raise children with without any romantic strings attached. The rising popularity of platonic co-parenting is seen by experts as a consequence of many people’s realization that the person you have kids with doesn’t be the person you grow old with, or even someone you live with.

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“Bad Uncle” Makes a Living Scaring Other People’s Children

A Chinese man has become popular in his home country for adopting the role of “bad uncle” and scaring strangers’ children into finishing their meals and going to bed early.

I remember my mom telling me that the Boogey Man would get me if I didn’t listen to her, but in China, the “bad uncle” is a more popular figure, and I dare say a more efficient one now that kids can finally associate a face to the name. That’s right, parents trying to get their kids to be more obedient can try the services of a bad uncle for hire, who will record a video of himself frowning and making faces at the camera to scare kids into listening to their parents, for a fee.

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Parents Allegedly Stream Overweight Daughter’s Eating Sessions for Views

A Chinese couple has come under fire from both the media and the general public after allegedly filming their young, overweight daughter devouring whole plates of food and streaming the footage online.

Pictures and videos of a three-year-old girl nicknamed Pei Qi stuffing her face from multiple plates full of food have been doing the rounds on Chinese social media and sparking outrage among viewers. The parents are being slammed for abusing their child and using her as a cash cow by not only encouraging her to eat unhealthy amounts of food, but also streaming the eating sessions on the internet. The little girl’s video channel was recently removed from a popular video streaming platform, because of the online uproar surrounding this case. Pei Qi’s parents deny the accusations, saying that their daughter just has an unusual appetite, but is otherwise healthy.

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10-Year-Old Gymnast Stuns Internet With Her Sculpted Six-Pack Abs

Lyza Brooks Mosier, a 10-year-old girl from Georgia, has been getting a lot of attention for toned physique, especially her chiseled six-pack abs.

Having started gymnastic training when she was just 4-years-old, Lyza Brooks Mosier has always been in great physical shape, but she managed to tone up her physique to an impressive level over the past year, after falling in love with strength workouts last summer. She has been waking up at 5:30 to train ever since, and works out for about 30 hours a week, five days a week.

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Three Kids Get Themselves Bitten by Black Widow So They Could Become Real-Life Spider-Men

Three young boys in Bolivia wound up in the hospital after coercing a black widow spider to bite them, to see if they transformed into superheroes, just like Spider-Man.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is one of the most beloved fictional super-heroes, with many kids spending hours on end imitating his web shooting moves. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as children understand that Spidey and his super-powers are not real, and that getting bit by a spider, even a radioactive one, doesn’t turn you into a superhero. Unfortunately, as evidenced by this story, kids sometimes have a hard time telling fantasy apart from reality.

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6-Year-Old Instagram Sensation Stuns Internet With His Chiseled Physique

“Chiseled physique” is not a phrase you would normally use to describe the appearance of a 6-year-old boy, but in the case of Arat Hosseini, the shoe fits perfectly, as they say.

Instagram star, soccer prodigy or expert gymnast are just some of the flattering labels people have used to describe Arat Hosseini over his short but very eventful life. He first made headlines around the world a couple of years ago when a video of what many originally assumed was a girl dribbling opponents on the soccer pitch went viral on social media. That ‘girl’ turned out to be a long, dark haired Iranian boy whose father had been training to become an athlete since before he could walk. Soon pictures of his tiny six-pack abs and videos of his training routines were doing the rounds on the internet, and Arat’s career as an international social media star took off.

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Family Too Poor to Buy Milk Feeds Baby with 1.5 Liters of Coffee a Day

News on an Indonesia toddler who has been living on brewed coffee for the last eight months, because her young parents were too poor to afford formula or cow’s milk, recently shocked millions in East Asia.

Hadijah Haura, a 14-month-old girl from the village of Tonro Lima Village, in Indonesia’s West Sulawesi province, consume 3 baby bottles of coffee – around 1.5 liters – every day. That’s more than most grown-ups. She’s been consuming the caffeine-rich drink daily since she was just six-months-old, because her young parents couldn’t afford to buy milk for her. Hadijah has been practically living on coffee for half her life, but appears to be growing at a normal rate and hasn’t had any serious medical problems yet. Her parents are aware that coffee is not fit for a toddler, but claims that they had no choice, because they had nothing else to give their daughter.

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