Woman Allegedly Uses Poorly Photoshopped Picture of Flat Tire as Excuse for Being Late for Work

An unnamed woman was recently mocked on social media after one of her co-workers shared a poorly edited photo of a flat tire that she had allegedly used to justify being late for work to her boss.

Twitter user Sydney Whitson, from Oklahoma posted the hilarious photo that her colleague allegedly sent her boss last week, and it quickly went viral, getting almost 250,000 likes and 46,000 retweets. That’s fairly unusual for a picture of what appears to be a car tire with a nail sticking out of it. But if you take Sydney’s advice and take a closer look, you’ll realize that there’s something not quite right about the nail. It looks very cartoonish, and the tire it seems to be stuck into appears heavily edited as well. Unfortunately for the anonymous woman, her boss was quick to notice too, and apparently shared the photo with the rest of the workplace.

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