Till Death Do Us Part? Russian Couple Has Zombie Wedding

Vitalich and Jirka are a young couple who decided to have their very own special wedding, as zombies. I guess not even death can split-up these two.

Believe it or not, this is the couple’s third wedding so far. Every time they married each other. It sounds strange, I know, but they have reasonably good explanation. Their very first wedding was pretty much what you’d expect a normal wedding to be like. They did it to please their families, but felt they needed to have a new ceremony just for them

The problem was in order to legally get married again, they had to divorce each other. And so they did. Thei second wedding was Goth-themed and their most recent one was all about zombies. They got some real cool make-up on, dyed their clothes and asked the same thing of their friends. They consider themselves normal people who just love getting married in the most unique ways. Read More »

Zombies Invade Frankfurt

Looking at photos of the Zombie Parade that took place on July 18, in the streets of Frankfurt, Germany, I couldn’t stop thinking about the Resident Evil games I used to play when I was in high-school and how they scared the living crap out of me.

Luckily, the zombies in the photos don’t really want to eat your brain or hurt you in any other way. I have to say the make-up on these guys is simply amazing. I’m sure I would totally have a heart-attack if I walked into any of them in a dark alley, at night.

Zombie parades are becoming more and more common, as they are held in different countries around the world. The first zombie parade was organized back in 2003, in Toronto and, in 2005, there 80 zombie parades, attended mainly by horror movie lovers.

Photos by Johannes Eisele/ REUTERS

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