Crazy Self-Sustainable Chair

Created by Korean artist JooYoun Paek, the self-sustainable chair is a polyethylene-made dress, connected to a pair of special pair of shoes that pump air into the dress, with every step you take. After a short walk, the dress inflates in the back forming a nice “little” chair that makes it possible for you to stop, sit on it and rest for a bit. Depending on the wearer’s weight, the dress deflates allowing him to carry on with his walk.

The self-sustainable dress is an artistic concept that “motivates people to switch between walking and sittingĀ  as a loop behavior on the street”. One couldn’t actually use the self-sustainable chair on a day-to-day basis, it makes you look like you just arrived from another planet.

Here’s a test-drive of the self-sustainable chair in New York:




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