Startup Charges Parents-to-Be $50,000 to Screen Embryos for Higher IQ

American start-up Heliospect Genomics is charging wealthy parents-to-be up to $50,000 to screen their embryos for IQ and other desirable traits.

Wish you could ensure your unborn child has a higher-than-average IQ? Well, apparently now you can, with the help of genetic enhancement technology. This is controversial territory, as it tends to normalize the idea of superior” and “inferior” humans,, but according to undercover video footage obtained by the campaign group Hope Not Hate, at least one genomic prediction company has begun selling its services to parents who can afford them. Heliospect Genomics has apparently already offered its services to over a dozen parents undergoing in-vitro fertilization, charging them up to $50,000 to screen 100 embryos for IQ and other traits and boasting that their technology could help select children with IQ scores six points higher than those conceived naturally.

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Jealous Woman Stabs Boyfriend After He Greets Another Woman on the Street

A 23-year-old Argentinian man tragically lost his life at the hands of his jealous girlfriend who attacked him with a knife for simply greeting another woman on the street.

A little jealousy can actually be good for a relationship, but too much of it can be fatal! Take the tragic story of Mariano Grinspun, a 23-year-old man from González Catán, a city in Argentina’s Buenos Aires province, who was stabbed to death by his jealous girlfriend after greeting a former schoolmate on the street. The shocking incident occurred in the early hours of October 21st, near the corner of Balboa and La Bastilla streets, in González Catán. Grinspun and his girlfriend, Natacha Palavecino, were walking hand in hand when they ran into a woman who greeted Mariano and asked him how he was doing. The woman’s simple greeting was enough to drive the man’s girlfriend crazy, as she pulled out a hidden knife and attacked her.

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China Develops Lunar Bricks Designed to Be Used on the Moon

Chinese scientists recently unveiled an innovative brick type that they hope will be used to build the world’s first base and inhabitable houses on the surface of the moon in the near future.

It’s no secret that China has big plans when it comes to moon colonization. Earlier this year, it became the first country to land a probe on the dark side of the moon and bring it back with valuable soil samples, and putting people on the moon appears to be the next logical step. However, the Asian giant is already planning for the day when we’ll be able to build bases and other buildings on the Earth’s natural satellite, and to that end, it has developed an ingenious type of brick designed to withstand both physical pressure and high levels of radiation from the sun. The so-called “moon soil bricks” will be sent to the moon to be tested until the end of next year.

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‘King of Instant Ramen’ Has Eaten Instant Noodels Daily for Over 30 Years

Sokusekisai Oyama, aka Japan’s Instant Ramen King, has made a lucrative career out of eating instant noodles at least once a day for over three decades.

Instant noodles, better known as cup noodles in Japan, are a big deal in the land of the rising sun. There are literally hundreds of different types, from the cheap variants you can find at your local grocery store to gourmet versions with actual toppings like dehydrated meat and vegetables. They are by far the most popular instant meal in Japan and virtually everyone loves them, but no one loves them as much as Sokusekisai Oyama, the man known as the ‘Instant Ramen King’. A former illustrator with a degree in engineering, Oyama gave up his career to dedicate himself to what he loved most – eating noodles and becoming a professional cup noodle critic. The 65-year-old man claims he has eaten at least one serving of instant noodles and a total of over 10,000 cups of noodles over the lainst 30 years.

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The Cracked Glass Portraits of Niall Shukla

Niall Shukla is a talented self-taught artist who specializes in cracking detailed portraits into laminated glass canvases by meticulously striking them with a hammer.

Hitting panels of glass with a hammer to create something beautiful sounds counterintuitive, but that’s exactly what makes Niall Shukla’s cracked glass art so fascinating. Using a variety of metal hammers and chisels, the London-based artist chips away at laminated glass panes, creating cracks that ultimately form clear and detailed pictures. It’s an art form that requires mountains of patience and nerves of steel, as one strike too powerful or in the wrong place can result in massive cracks that ruin the artwork, forcing the artist to start from scratch.

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Chinese Man Carries Paralyzed Mother on His Back as They Travel the Country

A 31-year-old man has been praised for his exemplary filial piety after selling his possessions to travel through China with his paralyzed mother, carrying her on his back just like she did with him when he was a baby.

Xiao Ma was just eight years old when his parents were involved in a terrible car accident that claimed his father’s life and left his mother unable to move. He and his older sister were forced to take care of themselves as well as their mother, who was later diagnosed with cerebral atrophy, as a consequence of the car accident. Growing up, he worked in the fields picking cotton, was an apprentice in various fields and opened his own restaurant in Xinjiang. Most of the money he made went towards his mother’s recovery, and his hard work seemed to pay off, as the woman was slowly able to leave the bed that had become her prison to sit in a wheelchair and even take a few small steps. However, a few years ago, Xiao Ma got the devastating news that his mother’s cerebral atrophy was not only incurable but progressing at a steady pace. That’s when he decided to make the best of the time he had left with her.

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60-Year-Old Man Forgets the Last 39 Years of His Life Following Hit-and-Run

An Italian man has been struggling to adjust to daily life following a hit-and-run accident that put him in a coma and ultimately erased 39 years worth of memories, including his own family.

Imagine living in the 1980s and then suddenly being transported to present day. Things like smartphones, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, the internet or social media must seem like real-life science fiction, and everyone you used to know is now either gone or much older. It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie, but it’s the life story of Luciano d’Adamo, an Italian man who lost the last 39 years of memories following a hit-and-run accident in 2019. After waking up from a coma a few days later, he was convinced he was 24 years old and waiting to be married to his 19-year-old fiance; he didn’t recognize the old woman claiming to be his wife, the 30-something man calling him ‘dad’, or the old man staring back at him from the mirror.

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Man Who Can’t Stop Sniffing Neighbors’ Shoes Gets Suspended Prison Sentence

A 28-year-old Greek man was recently convicted of causing a disturbance by repeatedly trespassing on his neighbors and smelling their shoes.

The unnamed man was arrested on October 8th after one of his neighbors in Sindos, a small town about 15 kilometers (9 miles) west of Thessaloniki, spotted him in their yard just before dawn sniffing the shoes they had left outside to air. This was not the man’s first time trespassing on private property for the same bizarre reason, so the neighbor called the police. Upon hearing the 28-year-old man’s explanation and the testimony of one of the neighbors, the Single-Member Misdemeanor Court of Thessaloniki issued a suspended sentence of one month in prison, with three years of probation.

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Russian Man Miraculously Survives 67 Days Adrift in Inflatable Boat

A 46-year-old Russian man was recently rescued after spending 67 days drifting through the icy waters of the Russian Far East in an inflatable raft.

On August 9, Mikhail Pichugin, his 49-year-old brother Sergey, and his 15-year-old nephew Ilya set out for Sakhalin Island from the far eastern Khabarovsk region in an inflatable raft. A few days later, their families announced their disappearance, and a search and rescue operation was mounted using planes and helicopters. All efforts to locate the inflatable boat failed, and with each passing day, hopes of finding any of the three men alive faded. By September, the chances of finding the boat had plummeted towards zero, but on Monday, October 14, the inflatable boat was spotted in the Sea of Okhotsk, about 1,000km (670 miles) from where it had set off 67 days prior. Miraculously, one of the three men was still alive.

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Young Man Goes Viral for Documenting His Life as a Kept Man in Japan

A Chinese man known only by his online moniker, Sudden Fantasy, has been receiving a lot of attention online for documenting his life as a jobless man financially supported by his loving wife.

Sudden Fantasy began posting videos on Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok) roughly a month ago, but he already has over 1.4 million followers on the popular social network, mainly because of the unique topic he covers. The Chinese young man posts about his life as a kept man in Japan relying exclusively on his wife for financial support. He reportedly moved to the neighboring country about eight years ago and went to date his wife, whose Chinese name is Fenghua, after falling down on hard times. She was there for him when he needed help putting food on the table and covering his tuition, and she eventually became his wife. Despite being well-educated and coming from a wealthy family, Fenghua has no problem providing for her husband who loves sitting around playing video games.

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The World’s Smallest Fully Functional Excavator Fits in the Palm of Your Hand

The Nano Tracks N320 is a miniature remote-controlled excavator that, although only 1/64 the size of the real thing, is not a toy, but a fully-functional excavator.

The world’s smallest excavator might be tiny, but it’s certainly no joke! It features 6 fully independent, proportional motors, giving you precise control over every movement, as well as an electronic slip ring, independently controlled boom, dipper, bucket, swing, and individual tracks. You may not be able to fit in its cabin to manually operate it, but the Nano Tracks N320 features extremely precise RC controls with the available modes. One offers the industry standard ISO controls (Caterpillar controls), while the second allows you to control the tracks independently, just like a real excavator.

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French Couple Get Sued by Neighbor Because Their Rooster Crows Too Loudly

The owners Ricco, a Bantam rooster from Bourgoin-Jallieu in France’s Isère department, are scheduled to show up in Court following a neighbor’s complaint regarding the bird’s loud crowing.

“Difficulty concentrating, sleep deprivation, hearing fatigue,” these are just some of the symptoms cited by the plaintiff who summoned Ricco’s owners to Court in January of next year. The person, who prefers to remain anonymous, is one of the owners’ neighbors and they claim that the rooster’s crowing is unbearable both at night and during the day. However, the owners of the 5-year-old bird have always disputed these claims, insisting that the door to Ricco’s chicken coup is operated by an automated system programmed to open the door only at 8:30 am during the winter and at 9:00 am in summer. They insist that the rooster crows about fifteen times in a quarter of an hour in the morning, and then a few more times during the day.

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Woman Takes Care of Paralyzed Husband for Six Years, Gets Dumped After He Recovers

A Malaysian woman who took care of her bedridden husband for six years following a car accident recently announced that her husband divorced her and married another woman following his recovery.

For years, Nurul Syazwani documented her daily life as her husband’s caretaker on social media, showcasing her busy routine which included feeding the man through a nasogastric tube, changing his diapers and helping him bathe. Nurul’s husband was injured in a car accident and needed six years in order to walk again, during which time she was by his side. Her dedication and dutiful service to her husband attracted 32,000 fans on Facebook alone, many of whom were shocked to learn that Nurul Syazwani’s husband hadn’t only divorced her after recovering but had also married another woman. They learned of the crazy development from Nurul who congratulated her ex-husband and his new bride in a Facebook post.

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Paraglider Spots Stray Dog Chilling Atop Great Pyramid of Giza

A man flying a paramotor over the Giza Pyramid Complex on the outskirts of Cairo spotted a stray dog barking at birds from atop the 138.5-meter-tall Great Pyramid of Giza.

Marshall Mosher, a “pro adventure athlete” who travels around the world,  was flying his paramotor over the pyramids of Giza on October 14 when he came across a very peculiar sight – a lone canine chilling on top of the Great Pyramid, seemingly barking at the birds flying overhead. Not exactly the kind of thing you expect to see while flying over one of the Seven Wonders of the World, so it’s no wonder that the clip he posted on his Instagram went viral almost instantly. Some users of the popular social network joked that the pooch must have been the Egyptian God Anubis, while others were worried about its well-being.

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19-Year-Old “Wannabe Doctor” Walks Into London Hospital, Treats Patients

A 19-year-old London woman managed to fulfill her dream of being a doctor without actually going to medical school simply by walking into a hospital and posing as a physician.

Kreuena Zdrafkova, a Bulgarian-born woman living in West London’s Ealing district, had always dreamt of becoming a doctor and recently decided that she wasn’t going to let a minor detail like lacking any medical training stand in her way. Earlier this year, she put on a white robe and rubber gloves, confidently walked into Ealing Hospital and started acting like one of the physicians there. Throughout the day, she was seen examining medical instruments, getting into an ambulance and even administering an unknown substance to a patient, without anyone noticing that she wasn’t really a doctor. She was so confident that she could pull off her dream job long-term that she came back to the hospital three days later, this time with a stethoscope around her neck.

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