Russian Artist Creates Miniature Models from Pasta

Sergey Pakhomov, an artist from Russia’s Perm region has recently made headlines in his home country for using various types of pasta to make miniature models of cars, planes, boats and even a small pasta town.

If you’ve at least heard of Canada’s wacky Spaghetti Bridge Building Championship, then you already know pasta can also be used outside the kitchen. Take Sergey Pakhomov, an amateur artist who discovered Italian pasta is a great material for creating detailed miniature models. It all started six years ago, when Pakhomov was working for a PR company, and was asked to do a creative advertisement for a Russian macaroni company. He was brainstorming one night and came up with the idea of creating various thing out of macaroni. The advertisement campaign was eventually canceled, but the idea stuck with him, and after studying the works of other artists who had used stuff like vermicelli or rigatoni to make art, he decided to pursue a career in pasta models. After six years of experimenting with the strange medium, Sergey Pakhomov has an impressive collection of over 30 miniature pasta models, some of which are pretty complex.

Sergey looks for building material in supermarkets and uses all kinds of pasta, from simple spaghetti and lasagna to farfalle and ruote, spending between 20 and 30 hours on each of his models. He says his hardest work yet is a small car with reclining front seats, doors that actually open and lots of other small details, and his most time-consuming project was a small town which took three years to complete. All of his small creations are stored in his home and need a certain temperature and humidity to pass the test of time.

What started out as a fun hobby, has now become a passion, and Sergey Pakhomov has recently patented his pasta model-making technique to be able to receive commercial revenue from his art. He recently staged a “Pasta Show”, to showcase his unique talent to the world.





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