Formula 1 Car Made of Bread

You won’t be able to drive it, but you can sure take a bite out of it.

One of the weirdest Formula 1 cars ever is on display at the Royal Plaza on Scotts, in Singapore and you can see it live until September 27. A Culinary Executive Chef led a team of 6 chefs, 2 artists, 2 technicians and 5 volunteers in an effort to create the largest bread Formula 1 car in Asia. They succeeded and the result is simply delicious.

The team from the Royal Plaza on Scotts used 15 kg of yeast, 14 liters of water, 2 kg of salt and 10800 ml of food varnish to create 1,000 loaves and 22 different kinds of bread. It took $15,000 and 549 hours of assembly work but I’m sure they’re all very proud of their achievement.

Be sure to check the making-of video at the bottom and for more photos just click here.



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The Tasty Cooked Mice of Malawi

I knew cooked field rats were eaten in Asian countries like Thailand and Vietnam (they look very tasty too), but it seems they’re regarded as a delicacy in African countries like Malawi.

Living in one of the world’s poorest countries, the people of Malawi have to survive any way they can, so when they’re confronted with the choice of eating mice or starving to death, you can guess what they opt for.

Young children chase the “tasty” critters through the corn fields, right after the harvest, when the mice are nice and fat. To easily catch Kapuku, the most popular edible species of mice, locals set up traps throughout the fields. They fill large clay vats with water and smear them with fried corn husks. As the rats fight over the husks, some of them fall in and drown.

The mice are cooked, salted or dried, then strung on sticks and sold as delicacies. Yum!






I like my pizza with rich toppings, just like everyone else I suppose,  but how much is too much?

Take this mega-pizza for example, the cook added a crazy amount of toppings, including, sausage, mushrooms, ham, shrimps, pineapple, cream-cheese, Parmesan, bacon and an egg on top. This delicacy was over 4 inches thick before going into the oven and judging by that last, delicious-looking photo, it didn’t drop too much after cooking.

I have to say I’m a big pizza fan (who isn’t, right?) and I would love to try this tasty-looking mega-pizza. Who knows, maybe I’ll try making one of my own, right after I’m finished with this stupid diet. It certainly easier to make than the meat house.

via Struntsaker
















Chinese Chef Makes World’s Longest Noodle

Li Enhai, a talented cook from China, insured himself a spot in the Guinness Book of Records after  making a 2,852 meters long noodle, with just one kilogram of flour. In the photos, you can witness his noodle stretching technique, at a hotel opening, in Keshikten, northern China, on July 29.

Photos by Xinhua/Sun Guoshu





Giant Mortadella

I have been eating Mortadella ever since I can remember and I’m not even Italian. But I never knew Mortadella can be this big.

Apparently, in Bologna and the surrounding area, the boiled sausage known as Mortadella can be as heavy as 200 kilograms. Even weirder is the fact that it’s cut into the thinnest slices, so its taste and aroma can be fully appreciated.

If that’s really the case then one of those giant Mortadellas is enough to feed the whole city.

via CopyPast










Palestinian Set the World’s Swetest Record

Ok, so I’m not sure if it’s really the sweetest, since they have serious competition from the guys who cooked the world’s largest cheesecake, but it’s definitely up there with the sweetest.

Over 100,000 Palestinians gathered in the center of Nablus city, on the West Bank, to watch as the largest Kunafa cake was being made and hopefully, even grab a bite. 170 bakers, from 10 bakeries around Nablus, worked together to create the longest and heaviest Kunafa in history.

Kunafa is definitely one of the most delicious desserts in the Arab world, baked from semolina flour, hiding a delicious mozzarella-like cheese,  sweetened with a sugar syrup sprinkled with rose water and covered by a crunchy carpet of crushed nuts.

The giant Kunafa measured 74 meters in length and weighed 1765 kg, 400 kg more than it needed to break the old record. It cost around $15,000 to make and the ingredients include around 700 kilograms of semolina flour, the same amount of white cheese, 300 kilograms of sugar and six tons of cooking fat.

The record has been recorded and will be presented to the Guinness Book of Records for acknowledgment.




Canned Bacon, Can You Believe It?

It’s official, everything can be canned, even the tasty bacon. So prepare to go from “ummm, bacon” to “ummm, canned bacon”.

Apparently, canned bacon isn’t as new as I thought. According to the site that sells this canned delicacy, it was popular in America, over 20 years ago. Well now it’s back, but you can only order online, you won’t be able to find it in stores any time soon.

The bacon is already sliced, cooked and packed in paper, all you have to do is open the can and stuff your face. With a shelf life of over 10 years (???) and, together with the canned cheeseburger, canned bacon makes a great meal out in the wild.








How to Cook Lasagna in Your Dishwasher

Get ready to send your cooker to the junkyard, you’re not gonna need it once you learn how to make lasagna using your dishwasher.

It’s really no big deal, just prepare your lasagna the way you normally do, cut into smaller pieces and place each of them on extra-thick aluminum foils. Wrap every piece just like you would a child’s lunch in a paper bag. Then take the lasagna pouches and place them on the bottom rack of the dishwasher. Set the machine to normal cycle and select “heated dry” and “sanitize”, for maximum heat.

Now all you have to do is wait for the dishwasher to finish and you’ll be able to enjoy a well-done lasagna, everyone’s favorite Italian dish. The best thing about this wacky way of cooking is you can wash the dirty dishes at the same time, as long as you make sure the lasagna is sealed shut.

Isn’t this great?!?

via wikiHow



Canned Cheeseburger, Yummm!

I’m not a big fan of canned foods, not since the whole chicken in a can post, but if you like them, you’re gonna love this.

It turns out they put everything in a can these days, even cheeseburgers. Honk, a brave German dude from the Something Awful forums, decided to try this weird dish and document his experience.

Apparently, all you have to do is boil the damn thing, open the can and stuff your face. Honk tried the cheeseburger in a can and said it had a very bland taste and left him with a bitter aftertaste. It doesn’t look as bad as I imagined a canned cheeseburger would look like, but the bottom bun does look a bit soggy.

Honk says he would eat one of these things again and admits he would appreciate canned cheeseburgers more if he was serving them on top of a mountain. Let’s face it, any kind of cheeseburger is better than dry bread or power bars, even a disgusting burger.












Spaghetti and Meetbals Cake

It may look like a main course but these spaghetti and meetballs are a delicious dessert.

This odd-looking cake was served by Linda, from Ciao Chow Linda, on Father’s Day and was a big hit. She kept telling her guests to leave room for spaghetti and meetballs, when they were eating burgers, ribs and other side dishes. When she actually came out of the kitchen with what looked to be a bib plate of spaghetti and meetballs, they were speechless.

For the recipe and more photos of the spaghetti and meetballs cake, head over to Linda’s cooking blog, Ciao Chow Linda




Cutest Snacks Ever

Yeah, yeah, so there maybe nothing odd about them, but these little food masterpieces were so cute, I just couldn’t help but post them. If you’re long-time visitor here you probably know I’m a big fan of food-art and this is as artistic as food gets. Enjoy!









Cool Mercedes Cake For Dad

Nothing says ‘I love you dad!’ like a sweet cake in the shape of a Mercedes Benz convertible.

With Father’s Day approaching, a cake-shop from Suzhou, China, has come up with a line of special cakes, to boost business. This blue Mercedes cake is just one of the many cool Father’s Day presents that can be found in the markets of Suzhou.

via Moobol






Biggest Custard Pie Fight Ever

Everybody loves a good food fight. But there’s no food fight like a pie fight.

251 children gathered at the Kidz Stuff Festival, in Horsham, southern England, to stage the biggest custard pie fight ever. The event took place on May 31 2009 with the clear goal of setting a new record for the largest custard pie fight. The current record stands at 120, but it will surely fall once the Guinness Book of Records finishes its verification.






Photos by Xinhua/Reuters


Honey Baked Ham Cupcakes

Sweets keep getting weirder and weirder these days. After the bacon-flavored chocolate, I present to you the honey baked ham cupcakes.

Stef, from the Cupcake Project blog, has baked what she says is the world’s first honey baked ham cupcake. Those who tried these weird delicacies said they couldn’t really taste the ham, if anything it just gives the cupcake a nice sweet-salty flavor. In fact, the ham only acts as an edible cupcake wrapping, through which you have to bite your way to the tasty cinnamon cream cheese frosting.

If you want to try these at home, just visit Cupcake Project page and check the recipe.






Juicy Thai delicacies

For some reason I never thought I’d use the word delicacy in the same sentence with words like cricket, caterpillar, frog, grasshopper, but I guess I was wrong. Apparently in Thailand all these are considered delicious and extremely good for the body. Grasshoppers are boiled alive so they keep their physical detail intact, but you shouldn’t eat the head and intestines…charming.

If you’re into this stuff, you might be thrilled to hear you could also try some roaches, beetles, ants, ant eggs and even cooked scorpions.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Photo: Takoradee/Wikimedia Commons