Man Makes His Face Available as Stock Image, Becomes Known as the “Worst Person You Know”

Imagine waking up one day and finding out that your face is associated with the phrase “worst person you know” on the internet. It sounds like a nightmare, but for one Spanish man, it’s real life.

Josep Maria García, a 42-year-old man from Catalonia, Spain, had no idea he had become a global internet meme until he received a call from his brother-in-law telling him not to panic but to search the phrase “worst person you know” on Google. As soon as he hit the search button, paranoia washed over him. His face was everywhere! Trying to figure out why he had become the face associated with the negative phrase, García eventually realized that it was all connected to a being event in 2014 when his brother-in-law took a test photo of him to check the lighting, which he then uploaded to Getty Images as a stock photo.

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