Pixelated Beagle Is Made of 221,000 Sprinkles

Pointillism is  the technique used to create an image by repeatedly applying small dots of pure color to a blank canvas. When post-impressionist painter George Seurat first invented this technique, little did he know that a fine arts student would one day use it to create the image of a Beagle, with the help of Sprinkles.

After creating a chair with 22 different shades of paint for his fine arts university project, Joel Brochu was fascinated by the use of everyday objects in art. He first experimented with M&Ms to create images, but their size was a major hurdle. Brochu found that he had to stand several feet away from the completed image to actually view it as a whole. He then happened to notice sprinkles.

Sprinkles, otherwise known as nonpareils, are tiny colored balls of compressed sugar. They are used in the decoration of cakes, cupcakes and other confectioner’s items. Brochu immediately chose these as his medium, to create a beautiful work of art.

He then found the perfect picture to reproduce – the photograph of an adorable beagle. Once he received the necessary permissions to reproduce the image, he set to work. Using a unique combination  of MS Paint, a software tool designed by his friend and a pair of jewelry tweezers, he was able to complete the pixelated image. The first two tools were used to break the image down into pixels, a reference point for him to fall back on. The tweezers were used simply to place the sprinkles, one at a time, on a board. Double-sided tape and glue were the other ingredients of this perfect recipe.

The project was no doubt painful, and Brochu wanted to quit halfway through. The sheer desire to see the piece completed, however, kept him going. A total of 221,184 sprinkles in six different colors were used. The size of the completed image is 4 feet by 1 ½ foot. From a distance of 16 feet, the Beagle looks perfect.

This amazing project took eight months to be completed. The detailing is absolutely incredible. This is one sweet piece of art that you probably won’t be able to resist licking!




Photos © Joel Brochu

via MyModernMet