Rare Medical Case Proves That Eyeball Bee Stings Are Unsurprisingly No Joke

In one of the world’s few medically documented cases, a Philadelphia man was stung by a bee directly in the eyeball and had to endure some serious consequences.

Most people dread the idea of getting stung by a bee anywhere on their bodies but imagine having one of those buzzers piercing your eyeball with its stinger as you’re casually strolling about. Unfortunately, that was the experience of a very unlucky 55-year-old Philadelphia man who reported to the emergency room with severely deteriorated vision and pain in his right eye after being stung by a bee in the eyeball two days prior. The patient told doctors that he had gone to the hospital immediately after getting stung, and doctors there had extracted the bee stinger and sent him on his way. Only it turned out that they hadn’t done that good of a job and a piece of the stinger remained embedded into the man’s eyeball.

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Teen Has Metal Coin Stuck Between Vochal Cords in Bizarre Accident

A California teen became the subject of a recent medical paper after getting a metal coin vertically stuck between his vocal cords like in a slot machine.

In a medical report published in this month’s New England Journal of Medicine, a team of doctors detailed the bizarre case of a 14-year-old boy who showed up at the emergency room of a hospital with a hoarse throat and swallowing difficulties. He told the staff that he had accidentally swallowed a quarter, but reported no difficulties breathing and no drooling. However, after performing an X-ray scan of his chest and neck, doctors immediately recognized the severity of the situation, as the metal coin had become stuck in a vertical position between his vocal cords and could damage them if left there for too long.

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Young Man Tragically Dies After Routine Tooth Extraction

A 23-year-old Chinese man recently lost his life as a result of a double tooth extraction that sadly caused intracranial bleeding.

In this day and age, tooth extraction is considered a fairly routine procedure that poses minimal risk to the patient’s life. But a recent story from China shows that ”minimal’ is not synonymous with “zero”. A 23-year-old man named Wang, from Hunan Province in mainland China, went to Kuiyong People’s Hospital in Shenzhen to have his tooth pain treated. After examining his teeth, the dentist there decided that he needed two of them extracted, which Wang agreed to. Following the procedure, the boy was asked to get some dental X-rays, but as he got up from the chair, he suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

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Man Tries to Take His Own Life After Becoming Convinced He Had Cancer by Doing Online Research

A Romanian man was recently saved by doctors after cutting his wrist with an angle grinder because he was convinced he had colon cancer by simply reading about his symptoms online.

The bizarre incident took place on Saturday, in the Romanian city of Botosani. The unnamed man had been depressed about colon pain he had been experiencing for a while, but his wife didn’t suspect just how desperate he had become. At one point, he told his spouse that he was going into the outhouse to get some firewood for their boiler, but he had more sinister plans. A few minutes later, the woman received a text from her husband telling her that he was sorry and that she had been a good wife. Luckily, the woman immediately realized something was wrong and ran to the outhouse, where she found the man with an angle grinder in one hand and his other hand almost severed completely…

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Doctors Find Whole Octopus Stuck in Man’s Esophagus

Doctors in Singapore were shocked to discover an octopus lodged in a man’s esophagus while performing a gastrointestinal examination to see what was causing him to vomit.

The unnamed Singaporean man first realized something was wrong when he started vomiting following a meal that happen to include a raw octopus. When he realized that he also had trouble swallowing, the man panicked and quickly decided to pay a visit to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital emergency room. Doctors there quickly conducted a CT scan, which revealed a super-dense mass in the man’s esophagus, but they couldn’t be sure what it was without attempting an invasive procedure called esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which involves inserting a small, flexible tube with a camera at its end down the person’s throat. That’s how they discovered that the man had a whole octopus stuck in his throat.

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Man Left Paralyzed and Unable to Speak by Car Accident Miraculously Recovers After Covid-19 Vaccine

An Indian man who had become paralyzed and unable to speak after being involved in a tragic car accident 5 years ago, reportedly started walking and talking again after getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

We keep hearing about potential negative side-effects of getting vaccinated against the coronavirus, but Dularchand Munda, a 55-year-old man from India’s Jharkhand state will tell you that getting the Covid-19 vaccine was the best thing that ever happened to him. Bedridden and unable to speak ever since being involved in a serious car accident 5 years ago, Dularchand got the jab on January 4th and started regaining feeling in his legs within a few hours. Now, he is able to speak again and can walk with the help of a walking cane.

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Woman Lives With Forgotten Surgical Scissors in Her Abdomen for 20 Years

A Bangladeshi woman who lived with constant pain in her abdomen for 20 years was shocked to discover that she had lived with surgical scissors forgotten in her body after an operation.

55-year-old Bachena Khatun had been living with constant abdominal pain ever since undergoing a gallstone removal operation at a clinic in Chuadanga, in 2002. After spending her life savings on the operation, the woman was discharged from the clinic with a prescription, but within a couple of days she started experiencing pain in her stomach. She went back to the clinic, but her surgeon – who had been supervised by two other doctors during the operation – dismissed her concerns, explaining that the pain was normal and that she shouldn’t worry. He was wrong, and he wasn’t the only one.

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Woman Lives With Plastic Pill Packaging Lodged in Her Throat for 17 Days

A woman in Northern Ireland lived with a plastic painkiller packet stuck in her throat for 17 days, after unknowingly swallowing it in the middle of the night.

The 40-something woman, who preferred to remain anonymous, reportedly swallowed a Tramadol pill in the middle of the night, without first taking it out of its plastic packaging. The morning after the incident, she woke up with a foreign body sensation in her throat, and went straight to the hospital where she complained of discomfort and difficulty swallowing. However, the ear, nose and throat doctor at the hospital found that she was tolerating fluids, had no difficulties breathing and could mobilize her neck without feeling any pain.

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