World’s Largest Gummy Worm Is a Real Calorie Bomb

Measuring twenty-six inches in length and weighing a massive 3 pounds, Vat19’s giant gummy worm is 128 times larger than the ordinary worms you love to chew on.

Gummy bears are really good, but let’s face it, there way to small, and sometimes a whole bag of them isn’t enough to satisfy your craving of gooey goodness. The guys of Vat19 realized the seriousness of this issues and decided to finally do something about it. That’s pretty much how the world’s largest gummy worm was born.

Just like its smaller brothers, this chewy behemoth has a ribbed body, a nice smiley face so you know if you’re biting on its head or tail, and comes in a variety of dual flavors. The whole thing packs about 4,000 calories, but with a shelf life of around a year, you don’t have to rush and finish it all in one go.