Toastman and His Crunchy Toast Art

New-Zealander Maurice Bennet, also known  as “Toastman”, creates incredible portraits and abstract works of art using toast.

Born in Paeroa, in the late 1950s, Maurice Bennett has always been fascinated by the art world, and as a young man, he traveled the world visiting museums and art galleries learning more and more about traditional and offbeat art. Upon his return to New-Zealand, the starving artist had to find a job, rather than focus on his art career, so he began weighing potatoes at a local market. Before he knew it, he and his wife were owning their own supermarket, and he was able to express himself through art.

Maurice’s first artistic experiences had him painting and sculpting, but it wasn’t until he discovered toast as an art medium, that he became a truly fulfilled artist. Throughout the years he created portraits of famous figures such as New Zealand prime minister John Key, rugby legend Jonah Lomu, the Mona Lisa, Elvis Presley , all of which earned him the praise of art critics.

Some of his more recent creations include a portrait of American president Barrack Obama, and some abstract works inspired by Maori carvings and Pacific patterns. he even made a portrait of rap star Eminem out thousands of M&Ms.

After selling his successful business, in late 2009, Toastman Maurice Bennett is now free to dedicate himself to his family, and his offbeat art.

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Chinese Artist Carves Football Players on Eggs

Wang Huaping, a Chinese artist and huge fan of football, has found a unique to celebrate the World Cup 2010. Using a fine chisel, he managed to carve the faces of famous football players on eggs.

Wang Huaping has so far carved hundreds of eggs, and is an established artist in his home city of Tianjin. Now he has extended his collection of artworks with the portraits of famous football players like Lionel Messi, David Beckham, or David Villa. He has also carved the logos and mascots of the 2010 Football World Cup.

No info about the actual carving, but this man must have a real gentle touch, if he can keep from cracking the eggs with that chisel.

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The Presidential Ham

A few months ago, I received an email from a contributor, about an art project called “Presidential Ham“. I was to busy to read it, at the time, and then forgot all about it. Yesterday, while tidying up my inbox, I stumbled upon it again, and finally checked it out.

The Presidential Ham is an original art project that depicts American presidents holding a big piece of (you guessed it) ham. It doesn’t make much sense, I know, but that’s the main reason I thought it was perfect for OC. Bijijoo, the artist behind Presidential Ham, has always wanted to paint the presidents holding a ham, and 2010 is the year he finally realized his dream. The portraits are oil painted on prepared board, and you can check them all out on


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The Sculpture Park of Veijo Rönkkönen Is the Weirdest Place in Finland

Deep in the forest of Parikkala, in the easternmost part of Finland, lies one of the craziest tourist attractions on the face of the planet – the sculpture park of Veijo Rönkkönen.

Regarded by most as the most important ensemble of contemporary folk art in Finland, the sculpture park of Veijo Rönkkönen is a lot to take in, the first time you visit. Finding yourself surrounded by hundreds of creepy statues, grinning at you with their real human teeth, is enough to spook you into turning back as soon as you set foot in the park.

Veijo Rönkkönen, a former paper mill worker, completed his first sculpture in 1961, and now his yard, and the path leading to it, are filled with over 450 statues, 200 of which are self portraits of the artist in Yoga positions he has mastered so far. The statues have loudspeakers hidden inside them, and the sound effects add to the eeriness of this place.

Although he has had the chance to exhibit and even sell his artworks, in auctions, Veijo Rönkkönen has never agreed to showcase his art. Every time he was asked to showcase his work, the near-hermit always replied he needed to discuss it with the statues first. Sadly, they never agreed to travel.

The sculpture park of Veijo Rönkkönen is free to visit, if you dare, but the artist insists every visitor sign his logbook, before they leave. Read More »

The Phone-Book Carvings of Alex Queral

51-year-old Alex Queral carves phone-books to create amazing portraits of celebrities such as Clint Eastwood or Kirk Douglas.

‘In carving and painting a head from a phone-book directory, I’m celebrating the individual lost in the anonymous list of thousands of names that describe the size of the community.’ That’s how Alex Queral explains his art, adding that he also enjoys creating an ‘object of longevity’ out of something that otherwise gets discarded every year.

The Philadelphia based artist got the idea of using phone-books as an art medium, 14 years ago, while he was looking for some wood to carve. He spotted a pile of discarded phone-books on the pavement, and the idea just hit him. Since people mostly use the internet, to look for things these days, most phone books just get dumped somewhere, so he sees his art as a way of recycling them.

Alex Queral carves up to two phone-book sculptures a month, then paints them with transparent acrylic paint, to make them durable and give them a glossy finish. So far, Queral has immortalized iconic figures like the Dalai Lama, Barrack Obama, Clint Eastwood, Jack Nicholson, and many others.

The artist admits it’s pretty difficult to deal with a careless cut that ruins everything, right when he’s about to finish a piece. But all he can do is start his carving all over again.

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Russian Artist Travels the World Over, on a Bicycle

Vladislav Ketov isn’t the only man on earth who embarked on a bike trip, but unlike other bikers, he only finished his after 20 years.

Ketov’s journey began in 1991, in Leningrad, and he kept pedaling along the coastline of continents like Africa, Europe, both Americas, and south and south-east Asia. He traveled alone, and only used other means of transportation, when he absolutely had to. During his 20 years of constant pedaling around the world, his bike was only stolen once…in Russia.

The main problem Vladislav Ketov had was that he embarked on this trip without money. Everywhere he went, the artist earned his keep by painting portraits. Thus he was able to save enough to keep him traveling for years. When he started his biking journey, Ketov left his wife and two sons behind, in Sankt Petersburg.

via zyalt

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Stained Glass Fit for Transformers Church

Timothy Miller, known as AutobotWonko, on DeviantArt, creates stained glass artworks, inspired by popular franchises, like Transformers.

So far he has created the Autobot and Decepticon stained glass emblems, as well as portraits of Autobots BumbleBee and Optimus Prime. If anyone finally decides to start a Transformers church (I know I’d join) at leas we know what they’re going to use for windows.Maybe Timothy can make another stained glass painting of Optimus plunging a spear into Megatron, or something like that.

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James Kuhn – The Rembrandt of Face Painting

46-year-old James Kuhn uses his face  as canvas, to create some of the most eccentric face-paintings you’ve ever seen.

Kuhn says he has always been an artist, drawing in his oatmeal, as a child, but found his passion for face-painting, one day when he was snowed in, and couldn’t get to work. He is famous for taking on a project that implied drawing a different thing on his face, every day, for an entire year.

His “self-portraits” include different animals, foods, cartoon characters and pretty much anything you can think of. Kuhn himself admits he is addicted to face painting, always thinking about what his next design will be.

Because he found the first 365 project fun James Kuh decided to go through it one more time. You can track his progress and check out the rest of his rich face-painting portfolio on his Flickr stream.

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The Cheesy Art of Prudence Staite

Using LowLow mature cheese, British food artist Prudence Staite has created a series of cheesy celebrity portraits and sculptures.

Ms. Staite has been working with food for some time now. She is actually behind the pizza celebrity pizza portraits we featured her a while back. This time, the medium of her artistic talent was LowLow cheese. After working with chocolate, jelly beans and chocolate, the food-artist found low fat cheese is ideal for sculpting.

The cheese art of Prudence Staite hint at how cheesy some aspects of celebrity culture really are. “Dita von Cheese”, “Chedda Cole” and “Low-bama” have been chosen as most representative for these modern times.

The cheesy art of Prudence Staite are on display at Kings Road Gallery in Chelsea, London.


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Eric Daigh’s Push-Pin Mosaics

Michigan based artist Eric Daigh creates incredibly detailed portraits by sticking thousands of push-pins into notice boards.

32-year-old Daigh begins his work with a digital photo of his subject. He uses a computer to turn it into a low resolution, five-color image (red, blue and yellow,black and white). He then uses a grid map that shows him where to stick each needle.

Eric Daigh holds the Guinness record for the world’s biggest push-pin portraits. His largest works are up to 2 meters  tall and number around 20,000 push-pins. They take about eight months to complete and are much more detailed than his smaller portraits.

Photos by ERIC DAIGH supplied by WENN.COM



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Brixels – Get Your Very Own LEGO Portrait

Brixels is an Austrian company that specializes in creating portraits using LEGO bricks. Just send them a photo and they’ll send you back the perfect Christmas gift.

The amazing LEGO mosaics you see below were created with thousands of  1×1 bricks in four different colors (black, white, dark gray and light gray). Although the guys at Brixels have made LEGO portraits of celebrities like Barack Obama, Marylin Monroe or Bruce Lee, it doesn’t mean you can’t have your face recreated with LEGO.

In fact, the company presents its clients with two options. Other send them the photo and receive a LEGO kit that you can put together yourself, or have them piece it together. Sure the last option is more expensive, but considering these things are made of up to 4,600 pieces, you migt one to consider it.

Brixels (cool name, don’t you think?) was founded by Stefan Sacherer, a 29-year-old graphic designer from Salzburg. A big LEGO fan, Stefan built his first mosaic as a present for his girlfriend. The positive reactions of their friends inspired him to open Brixels, in order to allow people to create their own LEGO portraits.

Damn good idea, if I do say so myself!

Check out the high-speed of a LEGO mosaic being assembled, at the bottom.




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Mike Stilkey’s Incredible Book Paintngs

Mike Stilkey is an artist from Alta Dena, California, who creates amazing works of art by stacking spine-painted books.

Mike had been drawing on book pages for a very long time, even publishing a book with 100 portraits painted on old book pages, called “100 Portraits”, when he realized it would be a good idea to paint on the book covers themselves.

His plan was to paint the books and then place them all against the wall, but he eventually got it in his mind that painting the book spines would be even better.He wasn’t very impressed with his first work, but when he presented it during the second Artist’s Annual group show, it got quite a lot of attention. Now his book paintings made Mike Stilkey one of the most respected artists of his generation

Photos by Dave Kinsey

via Fecal Face


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The Anamorphosis Works of Bernard Pras

Bernard Pras is considered one of the strangest, most original artists of our generation. He creates art by stacking ordinary objects on a piece of canvas, a process known as anamorphosis.

56-year-old Pras was born in 1952, in the south-west of France and spent his childhood in a toy-store. He later began working as a painter and sculptor of recovered objects. After a short career as an art teacher he came up with a new form of expressing himself some people call “trash-art”.

Starting from a photograph, Bernard Pras creates amazing pieces of art, by adding ordinary objects like used toys, tools, pieces of rubber, or whatever else you can think of. From up-close his works look like nothing more than random stacks of stuff, but from a certain angle and distance, they reveal their true beauty.

Photos by vvdm-gallery


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