Floating Corpse in Rural Pond Turns Out to Be Napping Man

The residents of an Indian village recently called the police about a floating human body in their pond, but it turned out to be a man taking a nap and cooling off on a hot summer day.

To their credit, the people of Reddypuram Kovelakunta, a village in India’s Andhra Pradesh state, didn’t immediately panic and call the police when they noticed a motionless human body in their pond. They tried calling out to it when they first spotted it, around 7 AM, but they got no answer, and seeing as the body didn’t move until 12 PM, they finally decided to call the authorities. A police unit and emergency services rushed to the scene, where they indeed discovered a human body floating in the water. Only what looked like a corpse turned out to be an inebriated man napping in the water after a grueling 10-day work stint at a local quarry.

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Hundreds Gather to Watch Masked Man Eat an Entire Jar of Cheeseballs in New York City

After plastering the whole of Manhattan with fliers for several months, a mystery man known as Cheeseball Man gathered a crowd of hundreds to watch him eat a whole tub of cheeseballs.

Meet Cheeseball Man, the superhero New Yorkers never knew they needed. His superpower? Mesmerizing crowds with his insatiable craving for cheeseballs. It all started with some fliers showing a man with an orange ski mask holding a large tub full of cheeseballs and inviting everyone to come watch him devour the cheesy treats in Manhattan’s Union Square Park, on April 27th. The fliers went up months before the big day, and although Cheeseman didn’t really expect a large crowd to accept his invitation, he was blown away by the size of his audience. Close to 1,000 people gathered in Union Square Park to watch him gobble down his jar of cheeseballs, and videos of the big event have so far been viewed millions of times online.

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New Time Trial Cycling Helmet Looks Like Something Out of Spaceballs

Dutch professional sports team Visma-Lease a Bike recently debuted the Aerohead 2.0, a time trial cycling helmet with an outrageous design that seems to have been inspired by Mel Brooks’s cult comedy, Spaceballs.

Visma-Lease a Bike is known for thoroughly testing every innovation it implements, and the Aerohead 2.0 cycling helmet is no different. The new time trial head gear was designed and developed in collaboration with American company Giro Sport Design and debuted earlier this month, on the first stage of Tirreno-Adriatico, where it caused quite a stir due to its unusual shape. Considerably larger than most time trial cycling helmets, the Aerohead 2.0 has an unusually large visor that could help with visibility when head-down riding, as well as wider wings and an upward-elongated front tip. It has been described as “ridiculous” and an “eyesore”, but Visma-Lease a Bike swears by its aerodynamic qualities.

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Japan’s Wacky Banana Hammers Are Taking Over Taiwan

Remember those funny banana hammers we featured a few days ago? Well, they recently went viral in Taiwan and the Japanese manufacturer is struggling to keep up with demand.

Iron Factory Ikeda, a typical precision metal manufacturing plant in Hiroshima, Japan, started making banana-shaped mallets in 2019 and followed it up with steel banana hammers a year later. Over the years, the company developed different variations of the wacky product, including smaller versions modeled after baby bananas. They were popular enough to remain in production, but last month, banana hammers went viral online and sparked newfound interest among consumers not only in Japan but around the world. For example, people in Taiwan are apparently ordering them like crazy…

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Man Goes Temporarily Blind While Attempting 100-Hour Crying Marathon

A Nigerian comedian and content creator allegedly lost his sight for about 45 minutes after sobbing for hours in an attempt to cry for 100 hours and set a world record for the longest time crying continuously.

Tembu Daniel, who goes by ‘237_towncryer’ on Instagram, recently lived up to his nickname by attempting a rather unusual world record – crying continuously for 100 hours. The young Nigerian began his cry-athon on July 9, but was forced to suspend his crying only 6 hours later, due to some unforeseen side effects. Apparently, forcing himself to cry for hours non-stop caused Daniel to experience headaches, puffed eyes, and a generally swollen face. However, the most worrying symptom was partial blindness which allegedly lasted for about 45 minutes.

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$2.70 Supermarket Wine Wins Gold Medal at International Wine Contest

The judges of the prestigious Gilbert et Gaillard international wine competition were duped into awarding this year’s gold medal to a €2.50 ($2.70) supermarket wine they deemed “exceptional”.

Ever wonder how the average person chooses wine at a supermarket? Well, it turns out that having one or more medals plastered on the bottle can increase sales by up to 15 percent, so it’s no wonder that wineries take wine-tasting competitions very seriously. But does winning such medals actually reflect the quality of the wine, or are these contests simple money-making events that charge winemakers hefty sums for participation and the chance to increase sales? Eric Boschman, once named Belgium’s best sommelier, and the team at On n’est pas des pigeons, a Belgian consumer magazine and television program, decided to find out by taking the worst supermarket wine they could find and registering it in a prestigious wine competition.

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Useless Thieves Steal 220 Sneakers from Store, All for the Right Foot

A trio of Peruvian thieves managed to make international news headlines after pulling off one of the dumbest heists in history – 220 sneakers from various brands, all for the right foot.

The hilarious crime occurred on April 30th, at a sports goods store in Huancayo, central Peru. At around 03:30 am, three men managed to cut the padlocks at the back of the store and steal three large crates filled with sneaker boxes from various brands. What the thieves didn’t realize was that all the shoeboxes they stole only contained sneakers for the right foot, as the owner had prepared the three crates to have the footwear displayed at a local sports goods fair. Authorities suspect that the thieves have hidden their haul, as there is no way that they can sell the sneakers on the black market without their pairs.

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Ukrainian Boris Johnson Caught Drunk Driving in the Netherlands

Police in Groningen, the Netherlands, recently pulled over a driver who presented a rather unusual driver’s license, one issued by Ukraine to Boris Johnson, the former UK prime minister.

Last Saturday, traffic police in Groningen spotted a car hitting a sidewalk post and casually continuing on its way. A police crew managed to pull over the vehicle on the Emma Bridge and asked the driver to blow into a breathalyzer. the 35-year-old man, whose identity has not been made public, initially refused to take the alcohol test, but a subsequent blood test proved that he had indeed consumed alcohol before getting behind the wheel of the car. But there was something else that really attracted the police officers’ attention – when asked to show their driver’s license, the man produced a rather unusual one…

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Man Vandalizes Drunk Son’s BMW to Prevent Him from Driving and Causing an Accident

In order to prevent his drunken son from getting behind the wheel of his BMW and possibly causing an accident, a Spanish man vandalized the vehicle, smashing the windows and denting its metallic body with a pickaxe.

A father’s love for his children is usually very strong but it can manifest in unusual ways. Take this story of a 60-year-old man from Logroño, Spain, who went to extreme lengths to make sure that his inebriated son doesn’t get behind the wheel of his black BMW and potentially cause a tragedy. Last week, local police received calls about a man vandalizing a vehicle parked on a public road in Logroño by smashing it with a pickaxe. A squad driving toward the reported location of the incident, noticed a white van fleeing the scene and managed to pull it over. Inside were an elderly man and a visibly drunk younger passenger.

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Woman Accuses Son’s Teacher of Seducing Her Husband with Giant Banner Outside Her School

An Argentinian teacher must have had the shock of her life when coming to school for the opening day to find a large banner accusing her of sleeping with the married father of one of her students.

The first day of school is usually one full of joy and excitement for both students, teachers and parents, but that was not the case at one Buenos Aires school where the general feeling was one of shock. Parents taking their kids to school and faculty coming to greet them were treated to a rather bizarre sight – large handwritten banner hanging outside the school gates accusing a certain member of the faculty of ‘ruining a family’ by sleeping with one of her student’s father despite knowing that he was married.

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Ex-Girlfriends Crash Groom’s Wedding Ceremony to ‘Destroy’ Him

A man in China had what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life turned into a nightmare when a number of ex-girlfriends showed up to sabotage his wedding ceremony.

On February 6th, attendees at a wedding in Hengdi Village, China’s Yunan province, were stunned by an unusual display. Around a dozen women showed up outside the wedding venue with a large red banner that read “We are Chen Song’s ex-girlfriends, and today we will destroy you”. At first, many believed the unusual scene to be part of a friendly prank, but it was later revealed that the women were indeed Chen’s scorned ex-girlfriends out to ruin his big day.

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Male Online Seller Finds Massive Success Modelling Women’s High Heel Footwear

A 41-year-old man has reportedly been making a killing selling women’s high heel shoes and boots by modeling them himself.

The unnamed man who reportedly hails from China’s Sichuan province recently made news headlines after it was revealed that he had been using a very unusual technique to boost up his online sales. Live stream commerce is big business in China, but the competition is so stiff that entrepreneurs constantly have to come up with gimmicks to set themselves apart and gain potential customers. In this particular case, the guy films himself walking and even running in the high-heel women’s footwear he sells, and people seem to love it.

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Man Buys 20 Brand New Robot Vacuums For Just $80, Gets What He Paid For

A Chinese man who recently bought 20 robot vacuums online for an unbelievable bargain price documented his experience to the delight of the internet.

The average price of a decent robot vacuum in China is around 1,000 yuan ($145), with more advanced models costing several times that much. So imagine finding a robot vacuum for just 27 yuan ($4) online! Can you blame this guy who bought 20 of them at once, just to make sure that their number compensates for performance only to learn the hard way that that’s not how these things work? As you can imagine, there was a reason those things cost next to nothing, but at least he got a good laugh and a lot of online attention out of it.

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Colombian Police Releases Wanted Criminal Poster With No Photos or Names

Police in Santa Marta, Colombia, recently attracted criticism for publishing a wanted poster of alleged cartel members with no actual photos or names.

On January 2nd, the Santa Marta police department published a poster of 12 of the most wanted criminals in the Colombian town, asking the general public for help in apprehending the alleged criminals, who were all members of the “Los Pachenca” drug cartel. All 12 individuals were also suspects in a series of criminal acts committed in Santa Marta in recent months, so it made sense to ask locals for assistance in catching them as soon as possible. The only problem was that the published poster only mentioned the suspects’ nicknames instead of their actual names and the same generic graphic where their photos should have been…

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Woman Ends Decade-Long Marriage Because of Husband’s Fishing Addiction

A Chinese woman recently divorced her husband of 10 years, because of his addiction to fishing, a hobby he often put before his family.

According to a divorce case filed with the Juye County People’s Court in Shandong province, the woman, surnamed Zhang, claimed that she had had enough of her husband’s fishing addiction. She claimed to take care of all the house chores and their two children, while he sits on the sofa looking at his smartphone and going out to fish with his friends after dinner every evening. After repeatedly asking him to spend more time with her and the children than with his fishing buddies, Zhang decided that divorce was the only viable option.

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