Adult Woman Who Weighs Only 25 Kilograms Is Still Trying to Lose Weight

A young Chinese woman who weighs only 25 kilograms (55 lbs) has been getting a lot of attention after showcasing her shockingly thin body online and claiming she wants to be even skinnier.

The young woman who goes by ‘Baby Tingzi’ (婷子宝宝) is 160 cm tall but weighs only about 25 kg and apparently aims to lose even more weight. She has more than 42,000 fans on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, most of whom constantly express concern about her health. Baby Tingzi always brushes off such concerns, claiming that she prefers to be super skinny and adding that her skeleton-like silhouette has no negative impact on her life. The up-and-coming social media influencer, who reportedly hails from Guangzhou, China’s Guangdong Province, constantly posts clips of herself in skimpy outfits to show off her slender physique and apparently doesn’t care about criticism.

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Scientists Create Smart Pill That Vibrates to Make You Feel Full

Researchers at MIT created a high-tech pill that starts to vibrate once it makes contact with gastric fluid in the user’s stomach in order to stimulate receptors in the stomach and create the sensation of fullness.

VIBES, short for Vibrating Ingestible BioElectronic Stimulator, was only recently unveiled in a study published in the Science Journal, but it is already being touted by the media as the future of weight loss. Although it has yet to be tested on humans, trials on pigs have yielded very promising results. After about 30 minutes of VIBES activity, pigs consumed on average almost 40 percent less food in the next half hour than they did without the smart pill. Apparently, the revolutionary device works by activating stretch receptors in the stomach, simulating the presence of food. This in turn signals the hypothalamus to increase the levels of hormones that make us feel full.

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45-Year-Old Man Finds Online Success by Posing as a Teenage Girl

Nanami Kana (Nanamiかな) looks like a Japanese teenage girl in most of the photos she posts on Twitter, but she recently shocked her fans with photos of herself from 12 years ago in which she appeared as a bearded, overweight man.

A Japanese influencer with around 35,000 Twitter followers, Nanami Kana is actually just the online persona of a 45-year-old father-of-one who simply enjoys putting on women’s clothes and posing as a teenage girl. He does a remarkably good job of it too, as most of the people who visit his Twitter page for the first time declare their disbelief at the fact that he is a man and a 45-year-old one at that. But Nanami really blew her fans’ minds last year, when he first posted photos of himself 12 years ago, revealing that he was over 60 kilograms (132 pounds) heavier than today.

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Woman Allegedly Wires Her Own Mouth Shut to Lose Weight

A South African woman allegedly wired her mouth shut with “slimming wires” in a desperate attempt to lose weight for a breast reduction surgery.

Aviwe Mazosiwe has been trying to lose weight and reach a certain BMI to qualify for breast reduction surgery that she hopes will improve her quality of life. She had managed to lose 12 kilograms with intermittent fasting, but after reaching a plateau on her weight-loss journey, the South African woman decided to take more drastic measures. In June of this year, she had slimming wires fitted on her teeth. These are orthodontic brackets with wires wrapped through them that are attached to the wearer’s teeth to keep the jaw shut. It’s a controversial weight loss device that has attracted a lot of criticism online after Aviwe started sharing her experience on TikTok.

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60-Year-Old Grandpa Undergoes Impressive Body Transformation in Only One Year

A 60-year-old grandfather from Leeds, in the UK, has become an inspiration for people less than half his age after going from ‘dad bod’ to ‘ripped’ in just one year.

Looking at Steve Ramsden today, it’s hard to believe that only a year ago he was an overweight borderline diabetic struggling with high cholesterol. But it just goes to show you what hard work and dedication, corroborated with a balanced diet and proper exercise plan can do for a person. Ramsden, a paramedic for Yorkshire Ambulance Service, weighed 221 pounds (100 kilograms) last Christmas and was taking pills to manage his high cholesterol. Today, he weighs 159 pounds (72 kg) and looks like he has been hitting the gym every day for at least a few decades.

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Dangerous Fat-Dissolving Injections Sold as “Speedy” Weight Loss Treatments

Vietnam is reportedly dealing with an increasing number of serious medical issues caused by fat-dissolving injections sold by shady beauticians and cosmetic treatment clinics.

Targeted weight loss and fat loss, in particular, are incredibly difficult, as most reputable fitness experts will tell you. They require a lot of physical exercise and a calorie-restricted diet, and not even those may not be enough without the right genes. But that’s something that many people just aren’t ready to accept, which is why their turn to ‘snake oil’ solutions that promise to deliver the results they desire. Such is apparently the case with many Vietnamese women who spend small fortunes on injectable fat-dissolving serums that end up putting their lives at risk and leaving them with permanent scars.

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Weight Loss Device Works by Preventing Wearers From Opening Their Mouths to Chew

DentalSlim Diet Control is a controversial weight loss device designed to allow wearers to open their mouths only about 2mm, thus making them unable to chew while making breathing and speaking possible.

Developed by scientists at University of Otago, in New Zealand, the DentalSlim Diet Control is an intra-oral device that can be attached to the wearer’s upper and lower back teeth by a dental professional. It features unique custom-manufactured locking bolts powered by magnets, which, when activated, only allow a mouth opening of about 2 mm, restricting the wearer to a liquid diet, while allowing them to breathe and speak normally. Apparently, the developers of the DentalSlim Diet Control believe that it can play a role in the fight against the global obesity epidemic.

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Chinese Man Gains 100Kg During Five-Month Lockdown

A 26-year-old Chinese man was recently labeled Wuhan’s fattest person after gaining a whopping 100 kilograms during the city’s five-month lockdown.

The man, referred to only as Zhou, to protect his privacy, wasn’t exactly fir before the coronavirus started wreaking havoc in Wuhan, prompting the authorities to impose a strict lockdown. But at least he kept his weight in check, worked at a local cafe and lead a relatively normal lifestyle. But that all changed when Zhou started spending most of his time indoor. Unable to burn off any calories, he started gaining weight, and in a few months’ time he had ballooned to 616 pounds (280 kilograms), over 200 pounds more than he weighed before the Covid-19 epidemic.

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Man vs Fat – The Soccer League Helping Overweight Men Lose Weight and Get Fit

Man vs Fat is a weight-loss phenomenon sweeping the United Kingdom and helping soccer fans lose weight and improve their fitness by getting involved in their favorite sport.

Soccer, or football, as we Europeans call it, is the most popular sport in the world, but nowhere is it more loved than in its birthplace – England. To say people there are crazy about soccer would be an understatement; with over 140 individual leagues, containing more than 480 divisions, and around 7,000 professional clubs, it’s safe to say that soccer truly is at home in England. People love to play it, love to watch others playing it, either in stadiums or from the comfort of their own homes, love to talk about it in pubs, it’s just a big part of daily life. So I guess it makes sense that soccer be so effective in helping to curb the country’s very serious obesity problem.

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Man Claims to Have Lost 20 Pounds in 30 Days Playing Video Games

A viral Facebook post by a regular kid from the Philippines may prove to be one of the most effective marketing pushes for Nintendo’s new RingFit Adventure, a video games designed to get players moving rather than sit for hours.

Migui Gabriel, a young graphic artist from Pasig City, in the Philippines, recently took to Facebook to praise Nintendo’s RingFit Adventure video game for helping him lose about 9 kilograms (20 pounds) in 30 days. On January 4, he posted a short message, as well as before-and-after photos of himself, to show everyone that the transformation was in fact real. And all he allegedly had to do was play Nintendo’s  exercising action-RPG game for 25 minutes every day, although he admits cutting down on carbs and not eating after 7 pm probably helped too. Still, he says the game was key, as this wasn’t his first attempt at losing weight.

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Woman Accidentally Swallows 30-Cm-Long “Vomiting Tube” Used to Lose Weight

Inserting long, plastic tubes through their oesophagus to induce vomiting has been an unhealthy trend among Chinese girls for a while now, but a 22-year-old woman recently became the first to accidentally swallow her vomiting tube.

Xiao Lu, a 22-year-old girl from Guangzhou, reportedly went to a local hospital on December 3 and told doctors there that she had accidentally swallowed a drinking straw. The object was too deep to reach, so doctors ordered an upper gastrointestinal tract radiography, which revealed a long thick tube in the the woman’s oesophagus. The foreign object measured about 1.9cm-wide and 30cm-long, which made it too thick and too long for a drinking straw, so the doctor pressed the woman for answers.

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Man Claims 4-Minute Daily Workout Completely Transformed His Physique in Just 5 Months

A Japanese man who goes by the online handle “Hiiragi Sensei” (Teacher Hiiragi), has been getting a lot of attention on Asian social media for his dramatic physical transformation which he claims was possible with just 4 minutes of high-intensity training per day.

The intriguing story of Hiiragi Sensei began back in March, when he posted a photo of himself and his unflattering pot belly on Twitter, along with the promise to completely change his look by losing fat and gaining muscle mass. Five months later, he posted another photo alongside the old one to showcase just how dramatically his body had changed. His flabby pot belly was replaced by a clearly-defined six-pack, his arms were visibly more muscular, as was his chest. And it was all thanks to the Tabata regimen – a 4-minute high-intensity workout that he repeated every day over the course of five months.

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Belly Destruction – Thailand Sends Overweight Policemen to Fat Camp

Police stations all around Thailand are sending their chubbiest officers to a weight-loss camp as part of a nation-wide program aptly called “Belly Destruction”.

After the success of a two-week pilot program, police stations in Thailand have begun sending their fattest officers to the Central Police Training Center in the city of Pak Chong, to take part in intense physical activity designed to adjust the size of their bellies. Each station will periodically send two to three overweight policemen to the center, where they will work out, ride bicycles and adopt a healthy, protein-rich diet to shed as much extra weight as possible. The Belly Destruction program started gaining attention after photos of overweight police officers taking part in the daily exercise routine went viral online.

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Research Suggests Eating a Side of Dirt with Your Food Can Help You Lose Weight

Researchers at the University of South Australia claim to have discovered clay materials in a certain type of dirt, which, if consumed with an evening meal can help soak up fat droplets from the gut.

Obesity costs the global economy an estimated $2 trillion every year, and countries around the world spend even more trying to prevent it, but a recently-published Australian study suggests that finding a cure to this modern-day epidemic could be as easy as dirt, literally. Researchers led by PhD candidate Tahnee Dening were investigating how clay materials can improve drug delivery when they discovered that one of the materials she was testing had the remarkable ability to soak up fat droplets in the gut. The serendipitous discovery immediately signalled Denning that they were on to something big, maybe even a cure for obesity.

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Japanese Company Launches Heavy “Muscle Trainer” Sneakers That Allegedly Help Users Burn Fat More Efficiently

The average energy consumption for 30 minutes of walking in regular sneakers is around 75 – 150 calories, depending on pace, but with the new Muscle Trainer sneakers you can apparently increase energy consumption to 300 calories in the same interval.

So what makes Muscle Trainer sneakers so special? Well, it’s the increased weight. The average sneaker weighs between 200 and 400 grams, but Muscle Trainer sneakers will add between 1,200 grams (for women) and 1,400 grams (for men) of extra weight to each foot. All the extra weight is concentrated in the internationally-patented sole, which contains hundreds of small iron balls. However, thanks to their high-cut design that protects the ankles, and high-quality materials, the sneakers are very comfortable while at the same time working your leg muscles.

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