AI-Powered Camera Keeps Mistaking Linesman’s Bald Head for Ball During Football Match

A Scottish football club may regret its decision to replace human cameramen for an AI-operated camera system, after it hilariously kept mistaking a linesman’s bald head for the ball, thus denying viewers of the action on the pitch.

Last month Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club, commonly known as Caley Thistle or Caley Jags, which competes in the Scottish Championship, the second echelon of the Scottish Professional Football League, proudly announced that it had installed the AI-powered Pixellot camera system at its Caledonian Stadium. The system was designed to replace human cameramen with artificial intelligence-controlled cameras designed to follow the ball on the football field. Only the plan to automate live broadcasts of its home games went awry last week, when Pixellot managed to annoy viewers by constantly mistaking a linesman’s bald head for the ball during a game with Ayr United.

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Meet the Mysterious ‘Opossum Lady’ of YouTube

There is a whole world to discover past YouTube’s recommendation feature, and venturing down the proverbial rabbit hole will help you discover colorful and delightfully weird characters like Georgette Spelvin, the ‘Opossum Lady’.

For the past 10 years, the MEpearlA YouTube channel has constantly been putting up delightful videos featuring a glamorous lady that looks like a combination of Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn and a host of opossums that act surprisingly tame around their human handler. These videos range from how-to lessons on how to treat and deal with the large rodents, to eclectic theatrical pieces tackling topics like politics and religion. They all feature opossums though, as they are the main theme of MEpearlA. Aside from a dead squirrel that achieved enlightenment and became the center of a pseudo-religion, that is…

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Steamy Novel About Falling in Love With Coronavirus in Human Form Goes Viral

‘Kissing the Coronavirus’ is a steamy 16-page e-book that’s as wacky and funny as it is disturbing. It’s basically about a female doctor who ends up falling in love with the Coronavirus after a vaccine trial gone wrong.

The 16-page e-book, which launched on Amazon on April 22, tells the story of Dr. Alexa Ashingtonford, a scientist tasked with finding a cure for the Coronavirus who ends up falling for the enemy. When a trial vaccine is injected into a fellow scientist, he dies and becomes the virus in human form, leaving the good doctor overcome with desire. The book cover features a woman kissing a green-colored man who isn’t the Hulk, but – you guessed it – the Coronavirus, and if that doesn’t get people’s attention, the short description certainly will: “She was supposed to cure the Coronavirus. Instead… she fell in love with it”.

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Greek Man Has Been Posting Photos of His Forehead on Instagram for the Last Six Years

While most Instagram users strive to take the most stunning photos possible to impress their friends and followers, one man has been using the popular social network to post snaps of his forehead…

Georgios Schieich, a 25-year old Greek man living in Malta, has one of the most intriguing profiles on Instagram. That’s not because he posts the most impressive photos, but because the vast majority of his pics are of his forehead or parts of it. I’m pretty sure Georgios’ is not the only offbeat Instagram page out there, but what’re really surprising is that he’s been at it for six years and has no intention of stopping until he hits the 10 year mark, at least.

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Finally, a Toilet Paper That Lets You Use Poop to Make Art

If you’re struggling to pass the time in this difficult period, this specially-printed toilet paper that lets you use poop as paint to make art may be just what the doctor ordered.

PooPaint is a new type of toilet paper designed to make potty training fun and entertaining by allowing you to paint with poop when wiping your child’s bottom. Featuring a variety of printed images with dotted line sections that you are supposed to fill in with the leftover poop on a toddler’s bottom, PooPaint guarantees some truly special and smelly quality time with your child. It’s like a coloring book, only instead of crayons, you’re using poop.

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Father Gives Son Embarrassing Haircut to Make Sure He Doesn’t Sneak Out

A Filipino father came up with an ingenious way of keeping his young boy in the house during the recently issued lockdown due to the rapidly spreading Covid-19 pandemic.

The novel coronavirus continues to spread around the world, and the Philippines is no exception. As in most other places, the Government has enforced a social distancing program that requires citizens to isolate themselves in their own homes and go out as little as possible. However, enforcing this type of lockdown isn’t as simple as you might think, especially when dealing with young children used to spending most if their time playing outside with their friends. But, to their credit, some parents are coming up with some creative solutions…

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Vietnamese Motorists Create Roadworthy Cars and Motorcycles Out of Cardboard

A group of young motoring enthusiast from Vietnam have found success on the internet by making driveable cardboard replicas of expensive sports cars and motorcycles.

Too poor to buy your own Ferrari sports car or Ducati motorcycle? Well, so were the young guys behind the NHẾT TV YouTube channel, but they were resourceful enough to build their own using scrap metal, used card and motorbike parts, and lots of cardboard. The vehicles turn out rather goofy-looking, but they do actually work, and if the over 300k subs the channel currently has are any indication, people love the comedic charm.

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Woman Realizes That Succulent She Had Been Watering for Two Years Was Made of Plastic

A California stay-at-home mom recently got her five minutes of online fame after taking to Facebook to reveal that the potted plant she had been watering and looking after for the last two years was actually made of plastic.

On February 28, Caelie Wilkes shared a very funny revelation with her Facebook friends. While attempting to relocate the succulent she had been looking after for two years in a larger pot, she was shocked to learn that the plant was artificial. The old pot broke, revealing a very thin layer of sand at the top, and a big block of Styrofoam at the bottom, where the plant’s roots should have been. She had been watering it regularly and making sure that it had all the right condition, only to learn that all her efforts had been in vain. Needless to say Wilkes felt like the last two years of her life have been a lie.

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Politician Asks for His Car Keys Back After Accidentally Giving Them Away While Handing Out Keychains

A Peruvian politician recently took to social media to ask people for his car keys back, after giving them away by mistake while handing out keychains on the campaign trail.

In a video posted on his Facebook page, Jovino Huerta, a congressional candidate for the Peruvian district of Huánuco, repeatedly asked his supporters to help him retrieve the keys to his pickup truck, adding that it was a vital part of his effort to win a Congress seat as without it he can’t run a proper campaign. Huerta isn’t the first person to lose their car keys or plead with whoever found them to retrieve them, but it’s how he lost the keys that makes this story interesting…

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Kiss Cam Allegedly Catches Infidelity at Soccer Match

An Ecuadorian man was allegedly caught red handed cheating on his partner with another woman, when the half-time kiss cam showed them kissing in the stands during a soccer match.

Last Saturday, Barcelona of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s very own Barcelona soccer club, made its traditional yearly presentation during a friendly match against rivals Delfin, one of last season’s revelations. It was a good game, but it was surprisingly overshadowed by something that occurred during the half-time break. The kiss-cam showed a young couple making out in the stands, but things got weird when the man saw himself on one of the jumbo screens. He immediately removed his arm from around the young lady, his smile went away instantly, and the two just started looking in opposite directions, like they didn’t know each other.

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Viral Social Media Trend Has People Sneaking Their Own Raw Ingredients Into Hotpot Restaurants

There’s a hilarious trend sweeping Chinese social media these days and people can’t get enough of it. Videos of people sneaking in their own raw ingredients into hotpot restaurant and dropping them into bowls of simmering broth have been going viral since December.

If you’re ever been to a Chinese restaurant, you probably know all about the hotpot. A staple of Chinese cuisine, it basically consists of a simmering pot of soup stock and a selection of raw ingredients that patrons drop into the stock to be cooked right at their table. Hotpot restaurants are all the rage in China, and they usually offer all the raw ingredients you need for a delicious meal, but a new trend has people sneaking in their own ingredients, which range from mushrooms and herbs to whole chickens and fish.

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Woman Allegedly Uses Poorly Photoshopped Picture of Flat Tire as Excuse for Being Late for Work

An unnamed woman was recently mocked on social media after one of her co-workers shared a poorly edited photo of a flat tire that she had allegedly used to justify being late for work to her boss.

Twitter user Sydney Whitson, from Oklahoma posted the hilarious photo that her colleague allegedly sent her boss last week, and it quickly went viral, getting almost 250,000 likes and 46,000 retweets. That’s fairly unusual for a picture of what appears to be a car tire with a nail sticking out of it. But if you take Sydney’s advice and take a closer look, you’ll realize that there’s something not quite right about the nail. It looks very cartoonish, and the tire it seems to be stuck into appears heavily edited as well. Unfortunately for the anonymous woman, her boss was quick to notice too, and apparently shared the photo with the rest of the workplace.

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Single Woman Creates Light Bulb Device That Turns on Whenever Someone Breaks Up on Social Media

Japanese YouTuber Marina Fujiwara managed to put a smile on the faces of single people this holiday season with a smart light bulb that lights up whenever couples break up on social media.

As a single person, there is nothing worse than watching happy couples doing couple things during the winter holidays, like doing holiday shopping together, walking through the street hand in hand, and, obviously, posting photos of themselves online. Luckily, a young Japanese inventor has come up with a way of making other single people feel better about their situation with the help of a simple yet ingenious device – a smart light bulb that lights up whenever someone breaks up with their partner via social media.

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Mom Uses Several Life-Size Cardboard Cutouts of Herself to Trick Toddler Son Into Thinking She Is Always Around

A young Japanese couple have come up with an ingenious way of making their one-year-old son stop crying whenever he notices that his mother isn’t around – life-size cardboard cutouts of the woman placed strategically in the room he is playing in.

Fuki Sato recently became an overnight sensation after photos of her life-size cutouts went viral all around the world. It’s not that they’re unusually life-like – although they do seem very well done – it’s what they are used that has gotten the family so much attention online. Apparently Sato and er husband had been having trouble calming down their one-year-old boy, who would start to cry whenever he noticed that she wasn’t around. Since staying by his side 24/7 really wasn’t an option, they decided to have her be around the child all the time, while not really being there.

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Parents Punish Teen Daughter By Taking Over Her Social Media for Two Weeks

When their 15-year-old daughter broke the rules by sneaking in boys at a sleepover party, her parents gave her a choice between handing over her phone for a month, or giving them access to her social media for two weeks. She chose the latter and the internet is so grateful for it.

Madelynn Sumpter’s social media takeover by her parents, Tawnya Ford and Larry Sumpter, began early in November with an Instagram post that announced she had chosen to hand over access to her social media for two weeks, so her follower could expect “some amazing Instagram posts, snapchats and tiktoks from her parents”, and boy did that live up to the hype. On November 11, Maddi’s dad had already began his hilarious quest to embarrass his teen daughter, by posting a selfie captioned “Felt cute. Might delete later”. But that was only the beginning, and by her dad’s third post, the teen was already begging her parents to take away her phone for a month.

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